Enchères Terminées

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 10541 - brit. colonies Australia

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Single Watermark 1915: Sideface ½ d. emerald-green, Electro 4, wmk. Crown over A, comb perf. 14, an unused block of forty-eight (6 x 8), from upper left corner of the sheet with interpanneau margin intact at right showing screwhead alongside fifth row, variety "Watermark Inverted", of lovely fresh colour and showing varieties (BW types: d, e, f, g, h, i, j an k) within the block; full unmounted og. A gorgeous large multiple of some rarity BW 63(4)d-k = $ 1'400+.

Michel Catalogue 297: Australia - The DUBOIS Collection (part I)


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