Enchères Terminées

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5110 - europe Great Britain

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1857/63: 1 d. rose-red, Die II, Alphabet III,  pl. 41, an unused block of 18, lettered CG/EL and pl. 49, block of 12 lettered IA/JF, both unused without gum, some split perforations and a little toned Gi. = £1'740. Provenance Plate 49 block: Collection J.B. Seymour, R. Lowe, 11. April 1951 Lot 878. Block of 36 split into three. R. Lowe, 15 May 1974, ex lot 1251. 

Michel Catalogue 294: Great Britain


Sale Terms