Enchères Terminées

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 464 - europe France

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1790/91: Decrees / Laws issued by the National Assembly (4) concerning the Colonies, with March 1790 printed illustrated document concerning Saint Domingue and Martinique and the formation of Colonial National Assemblies, Loi No. 968 of 1 June 1791 (two examples), Loi No. 1291 and Loi No. 1292 both dated 28 Sept. 1791. A fascinating group with outstanding content, especially regarding equal rights regardless of colour: "le droit de suffrage aux hommes libres de couleur, les déclarant ainsi les égaux des blancs".

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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