Enchères Terminées

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 528 - Main catalogue french india

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1859/65: Eagle 40 c. vermilion, a used vertical pair tied to 1864 cover to Bordeaux endorsed "p. Steamer via Suez & Marseille", tied by oval firm's chop in blue (Almeric & Co.) and diamond of 81 dots in black, with red framed 'PD' adjacent. Fine strike of "ETABS. FR. DE L'INDE / PONDICHERY" despatch cds (Aug 25) in black at left. Carried on British P&O packet "Simla" to Suez via Aden and on the "Auxine" from Alexandria with entry marking in Marseille (Sept 26) in red. Scarce cover. Signed Calves.

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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