lot # 2771 - brit. colonies sudan
1941 (March-Aug): Lithographed at Nasik, India, the set of fiften values in large multiples; the seven small format values (1 m. - 15 m.) all in sheetlets of twenty (4 x 5) with margins all round; 2 pi. in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8); 3 pi. in a corner block of twenty-five (5 x 5), 4 pi. in a corner block of twenty (5 x 4), 5 pi. in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8) - only 21'600 printed; 6 pi. in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8) - only 21'840 printed; 8 pi. in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8) - only 22'000 printed; 10 pi. in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8) - only 21'600 printed and scarce 20 pi. pale blue & blue in a complete sheet of 80 subjects (10 x 8) with just 10'960 printed. Generally fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og Gi = £ 27'220.
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Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
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