By: David Feldman S.A.
lot # 80133 - Sperati
United States, Hawaii – 1859-63, 2c group of four glass clichés and three clichés on celluloid, the celluloid includes two clichés of type F (of pos. 6), with splendid production notes, relating to the Agfa film used and aspects of temperature and duration that relate to photographic exposure, the glass comprising two negative and one brown cliché with reversed image and dating Sep 1929, also one very attractive cliché (type C) coloured black around the design to focus the light in the photolithographic process; a unique group with nothing similar in Sperati’s “Ultimate” collection or the Musée de la Poste of Paris.
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David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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