
Essex Stamp Auctions

lot # 148 - Australia

Sunday Nov 26, 2017 00:00 Europe/London

King George V sideface collection of multiples and varieties, u/m, m and used. We note many good stamps with flaws as listed in BW catalogue such as 1927-28 1d green block of 21 giving 10 Die I and Die II pairs, mint,plate I pane 11/8 diagonal white line below A to Kings nose in m block plus used singles, plate 2 pane III/42 flaw below "1" four used examples incl one on unsurfaced paper, plate 2 pane IV Rusted cliche used, various gutter pairs, plate 4 pane VII 1d green block of 16, plate 4 pane VII 1d violet block of 20, various breaks in frame below "N", NY joined, RA joined and many others. A highly specialised colln requiring careful study

Estimate: £3000 - 3500
