Enchères Terminées

Heinrich Koehler Auktionen

lot # 1508 - übersee Argentina

Monday Nov 16, 2020 09:00 Europe/Berlin

1867, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by oval "CORREO del ROSARIA" with adjacent cds. "ROSARIO STA-F 16 JUN 1874" to envelope to Genoa with good strike of "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI" alongside, two disinfection slits, upon arrival charged with "9" decimes thus postage due 30 and 60c. applied and tied by cds., a very rare and attractive entire from the first journey of the Laverello Company from Buenos Aires and one of three two letters known from this journey, certificate Manzoni (2018) 

Michel 28, Italy P8,10


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