
lot # 40183 - Military Mail - British Empire WWI

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

British WWI military mail in Egypt: 18 AP 1918 reg. OAS cv ex APO 8.Y (8th Mounted Bgd., PALESTINE - specific location unknown per Proud/FB in this period) to officer ALEXANDRIA, franked 2d for reg. fee & tied by 2 strikes of Proud-D3 pmk on front + 1 on back, on last known date of use; b/s 20 IV 18 ALEX. civil. PO transit & dispatch pmks; slit open at top. The bgd. joined Yeomanry Mtd. Div., July 1917 & force became 1st Mtd. Div. on 24 Apr. 1918.
Feldpost - Britisches Weltreich Erster Weltkrieg
דואר צבאי - אימפריה בריטית במלחמת העולם ה-1