Enchères Terminées
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 3336 - prc
Thursday Jun 27, 2024 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
1965 C109 Zunyi Conference complete marginal set (Scott 818-820),(3-1) with imprint margin, (3-2) graded ASG VF/XF 85 Mint OG. Others fresh MNH. Very Fine. Not graded bu ASG because they didn't have the case of proper size (interesting reason).
1965年紀109遵義會議帶紙邊新全,其中(3-1)帶廠銘,(3-2)評ASG 85 Mint OG,其餘兩枚皆原膠無貼,品相一流(ASG未評級僅僅因為沒有適合大小的盒子)。
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Price: € 200.00
Price: € 40.00