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By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 9005 - 1912-1949 ROC
Monday Dec 16, 2024 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
1949 Fukien Silver Yuan Unit Stamp bisected 2c used piece, used with Kaoshanshi bilingual cds.,Kaoshanshi was liberated on 1949 Aug. This is a post-liberation usage example of Silver Yuan stamps. This biesected stamp is the other half of the bisected stamp franked on the cover auctioned by Zurich Asia in 2019 as part of Patrick Choy's Collecion, Lot 3035. The only one known.
1949年福建銀圓基數票2分對剖舊票剪片,銷高山市10月5日漢英日戳,高山市於49年8月解放,此剪片屬解放後沿用銀圓票的例子。此對剖票是Zurich Asia於2019年蔡國雄收藏品集所售拍品號3035上所貼對剖票的另一半。僅1枚存世。屬於福建郵集不可或缺的大珍品。
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Price: $ 60.00
Price: $ 60.00
Price: $ 100.00