Enchères Terminées

Mowbray Collectables

lot # 92 - collections and accumulations

Saturday Mar 07, 2020 13:00 Pacific/Auckland

Military WWII (& some later) postal history, range of approx 80 covers or cards. Noted 36 NZ-related, incl 1944 internee p/c (light tone) with "Exempt ..." h/s & light "Pahiatua" h/s, very scarce, 6d on 1/- POW aerogramme unused, The Delta Air Force F cds (v scarce), Featherston POW camp cds (4) on Peace FDC etc. Also 30+ non-NZ incl Palestine censored p/c to NZ, GB POWs in Japan air card unused, 1941, 1944 Polish Govt in exile sets on cover, USA pictorial patriotic covers etc. Also range of 44 cinderellas & GB 1970s Nat Army Museum (& similar) pictorial military commem covers x 110 (mostly diff). About 250 items in carton. Mint.


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