
lot # 55 - judaica judaica historical literature

Thursday Feb 27, 2014 23:30 Asia/Jerusalem

1646 map by Samuel Bochard Tabula Universalis Locorum quæ Phoenicum Navigationibus Maxime Frequentata sunta Taprobana Thulen Usque c.1646. 290 x 380mm. Copper-engraved later hand colored. In his work, 'Geographiæ Sacra', Samuel Bochart (1599-1667) attempted to account for the spead of man across the world after the Flood. Of particular interest to him was the expulsion of the Phoenicians from Canaan by Joshua: by using the entemology of placenames he attempted to trace their diaspora, which he illustrated on this map. Two-thirds of the map shows the Ægean Sea, with the remainder showing from Thule (in the Shetlands) to Taprobana (here linked to Sri Lanka). Bochard uses both Latin and Hebrew script for names, as the Phoenicians were Semitic in origin. ZACHARAKIS: 3rd ed, 427, editions to 1712; BARBER: The Map Book, p.156-7, "one of the few early modern maps to make consistent use of Hebrew lettering". no side margins,nicely colored with aging signs. similar sold at 400 £ Estimate $300-600.
