
SFK Auctions

lot # 532 - WWII 1941-1945

Saturday May 16, 2015 12:00 to Sunday May 17, 2015 18:00 Europe/Belgrade
Last date for bids: 
May 15, 23:30 CEST

1942. Preporuceno pismo iz Vršca za Beograd, cenzurni žig br. 112. Frankirano sa parom od 1.50 d + 4 d i preporuceno pismo iz Negotin - Krajina za Beograd, 1 d + trojac 2 d. cenzurisano. Odlican kvalitet.
1942 Registered letter from Vrsac to Belgrade, cesorship cancel no 112. Franked with pair of 1.50 d + 4 d and registered letter from Negotin - Krajina to Belgrade, 1 d + strip of three 2 d. Censored, very fine.
