By: Status International
lot # 2059 - World GERMANY - 1914-18 OCCUPATIONS
Belgium: 1914-18 Postal Stationery collection with 'Belgien Centimes' opts inc Lettercard 10c (2UN, 1U), & Postcards 5c green (UN & 4U), 10c red (UN & 2U), 10c+10c double reply (2UN), 5c+5c double reply (2UN), & new format 10c+10c (UN & front U). Then 'Belgien Cent' opts 5c (UN), 10c (U), new format 5c (UN & 3U), 8c orange (UN & 5U), 10c (UN & 4U) & 10c double reply. Then 'Cent' only opt 15c Lettercard (UN), Postcards 8c (U), 10c (U), new format 10c single, double reply & Civil Workers (3 diff UN). Mi cat €560+, plus premium for some scarce usages. (43).
Estimate A$275
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More