Enchères Terminées

Status International

lot # 2591 - World india

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Collection: 1866-1942 Official opts used on pgs. 1866-72 Service opt QV to 8a inc 4a green. 1866 SERVICE opt QV Fiscal 4a & 'SERVICE POSTAGE' opt QV Fiscal ½a. 1867-73 Service opt QV set to 8a plus shades. 1874-82 'On HMS' opt QV set to 8a. 1883-99 'On HMS' opt QV set to 1R, & 1900 New Colours set to 2a plus shades & blks. 1902-09 On HMS opt KEVII set to 25R plus shades inc 1906 ½a & 1a 'Postage & Revenue. 1912-23 SERVICE opt KGV set to 25R plus shades wmk large star. Also 3p, 4a & 8a inc horiz strips h/s 'CANCELLED' & ½a, 1a, 4a in M blks of 4. 1925 KEVII Surch set to 2R/10R inc both 10R shades plus KGV 1R/15R & 1R/25R. 1926 KGV surch set 1a on 1½ anna & annas plus 2a6p, & KEVII 1a on 6a. 1926-31 SERVICE opt KGV set to 10R. 1937-39 opt KGVI set to 10R. 1939-42 KGVI Service set to 8a. Mostly G-VF U, few M. Some mixed condition & few doubtful opts. SG cat £6000+=A$11,000+. Valuable collection. (205). (P)

Estimate: A$1000 - 2000


Sale Terms