Enchères Terminées

Status International

lot # 312 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS australian colonies

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Tasmania: 1853-1912 Used collection inc 1853 QV Courier 1d & 4d (2 diff shades). 1855 QV Chalon 1d, 2d & 4d (2) imperf, wmk Star. 1856-57 QV Chalon 4d no wmk. 1857-67 QV Chalon to 1/- imperf inc shades. 1803-71 QV Chalon to 1/-, perf inc shades & perfs. 1870-96 QV vals to 5/- inc shades, perfs & wmks. 1892-99 QV Tablet vals to 10/-. 1899-1900 Pic set to 6d plus 1902-12 Pics to 6d inc wmks, perfs & shades. Noted 2d variety 'double perfs at top'. 1906-09 QV set 8d, 9d, 1/- & 10/- wmk Crown/A. Postal Fiscals 1863-80 St George & Dragon 3d, 2/6, 5/- (green & brown) inc 2/6 & 5/- Postally Used. 1900 REVENUE opt Platypus 3d & 6d plus St George & Dragon, all postally Used. Also 1900 REVENUE opt QV Tablet £1, Postally Used. Mostly F-VF U, the Chalons almost all with pmks. SG cat £7900+ = A$15,000+. Valuable coll?n. (315) (P)

Estimate: A$1700 - 2700

Sale Terms