Enchères Terminées

Status International

lot # 3642 - World Yugoslavia

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

1918-19 Bosnia issues collection basically comp inc Pictorial set, Newspaper & Due sets, Invalids 5h normal opt, 10h claret, 10h green & 15h both with both opts (SG cat £500), Kaiser set U (£140), other Due & Newspapers inc last set with circles opt U on pieces (£250). Also Postage Dues h/s FRANCO for use as normal postage (47) with long set 2h-3Kr seriffed h/s (ex 15h) & sans serif (ex 15h & 30h) with extras & other Dues (5). Also Postcards Fieldpost, & Official, Franco opt cto on PC & Parcel Card franked 3Kr blue Due (3). Also Slovenia issues (6) with 'BOSNA PORTO' h/s. VF M/U. SG cat £960, plus all the Franco opts & cards etc. (165, + 4 cards). (P)

Estimate: A$350 - 500


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