Enchères Terminées

Status International

lot # 621 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS World

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

New Zealand 1862-1972 collection in loose leaf album inc 1862 QV Chalon 2d imperf, 1864-71 QV Chalons (6) to 1/- green inc 3d lilac. 1898 Pics to 2/- green G-FU also 1898, 6d green Kiwi M, KGV Heads to 1/- M/MLH inc 4½d green & 7½d brown. Healths near comp 1929-72 F-VFM. 1931-34 Airmails (8) inc 3d brown blk of 4 VFM & 7d Faith in Australia. 1935-43 Pics to 3/- inc 2½d plate 4 blk of 6 MNH, 4d blk of 4 MNH & 5d marginal blk of 15 MNH. 1940 Cent Officials to 1/- & 1953 QEII to 10/- FU, 1954 Officials inc 3/- strip of 3 1 M / 2 MNH, also 3/- FU, 1958 2d QEII Stars Surch FU (cat £170), 1960 Pic set to £1 M & VFU. Health M/sheets inc 1966 set FU with contemporary cds. Back of book inc 1931 Arms to £1 G-FU & decimals to $10. Mostly F-VF M/U, NZ retail $3900. SG cat £1550 = A$3000. (780+ M/sheets.)

Estimate: A$275 - 400

Sale Terms