Prix Réalisés

Status International

lot # 198 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia

Thursday Apr 29, 2021 12:00 Australia/Sydney

KGV: Single wmk ½d to 5d M/MNH accumulation on hagners with ½d apple to emerald green shades (14, cat $90), yellow (Cyprus) green (12, ACSC 63H cat $900). ½d Orange (17, $135) inc blk of 6. 1d Red shades (14) cat $140 as cheapest. 1d Violet (18, $180) inc blk of 6. 1d Green (25) inc blks of 4 (2) $300. 1½d red (60, $360) inc prs (4) & range of shades pale to deep. 1½d coarse mesh paper MNH/MLH pr (ACSC 89Aac, $350) & under-rated. 5d Brown M ($90), 1/4 turquoise M (thin spot, $250), 5d chestnut 'dry-ink' variety horiz pr VFM (ACSC 122Aca, $900). Mixed M/MNH throughout. Unchecked by us for varieties. Total ACSC cat $3700 as cheapest shades M, extra for multiples, better shades, varieties & MNH. (174)
Estimate A$800

Sale Terms