By: Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.
lot # 148 - THE PICTORIALS (incl. Blocks, PlBls, Bklts, & Collections)
COLLECTIONS: #90, 2m Collection on 12 exhibit pages, 45 items (140 stps & 5 cvs) incl: Plate blocks on Thin paper x4 pl 1, Vert. Ribbed x 12 pls 1,2 & 3,Wove x4 pl 3, #90m Invert. Wmk used single (Ba $1000), also 90g, 90i & other Varieties, Gutter pairs, 2m Wrapper (#WR1) ovptd SPECIMEN, etc.; stps mostly u/m & vf (x140 stps & 5cvs) Ba $1500
** * O CV
Sale Terms
About The Seller
Ing. Yacov TSACHOR
Member A.I.E.P. - International Association of Philatelic Experts
Current Areas of Specialisation: Israel, including Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim Period; British Mandate Palestine: postal... Read More