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- (-) Remove Negev Holyland filter Negev Holyland
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- (-) Remove Negev Holyland filter Negev Holyland

PLEASE NOTE Mail here is very slow. If you do mail in bids, please mail your bids early.
When sending your bids by e-mail or on the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
Please check the “LATE LOTS” section.
As you may know I am involved in an opera company: BOHEME OPERA NJ. I will be a supernumerary in their performance of IL TROVATORE March 21 and 23. For the week before, during final rehearsals, I will not be available after 4 PM. If you live near Trenton NJ and desire to attend, please contact me.
Please note that my wife and I are hopefully (and finally) going on a tour of Italy in late April and early May. Barring the unforeseen, the lots will be mailed within the usual 2 weeks. But please get payment to me well before we leave. THANK YOU.
Some clients make offers for items that I list on E-BAY or HIP-STAMPS. If you see an item that you want, please send me an e-mail. You will get an automatic 10% reduction off the asking price. Thank you.

PLEASE NOTE Mail here is very slow. If you do mail in bids, please mail your bids early.
The lots will be on view at the APS GASS show August 15-18, 2024. This will be at the Connecticut Convention Center 100 Columbus Blvd Harford, CT. For more information, please visit WWW.STAMPS.ORG/GASS. I am in BOOTH 323 – across from the dollar booths. I will also have a stock of Israel and Holyland material. It will be priced to sell.
When sending your bids by e-mail or on the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
There is much INTERIM in this sale. As we all know, philatelic covers, forgeries and bogus items abound. I spot checked the material. If a competent authority that I recognize states in writing that an item you bought is a forgery or bogus, I will refund the purchase price.
My stamp album for the INTERIM PERIOD is now available from the Society of Israel Philatelists Education Fund. Please see for information.
Some clients make offers for items that I list on E-BAY or HIP-STAMPS. If you see an item that you want, please send me an e-mail. You will get an automatic 5% reduction off the asking price. Thank you.
In the last sale I offered many items from my library. Much is left. Please see the web site for them. There is no starting price. No offer will be refused. Shipping to non-USA addresses may be expensive. “TO DATE” means the last one I have. These are sold AS IS. The listing may not be 100% accurate.
The balance of the Nathan Zankel holdings is also on the web site. If interested, contact the SIP Education Fund by email ( or phone (216-406-5522). Postage and handling will be handled on an order-to-order basis. There are no duplicates so do not delay. This is first come first served. Some items may already have been sold.

Trenton Post Office is a Sectional Central Facility. That is, it processes mail for many other post offices.
The Columbus Post Office is a sub-branch. It gets its mail from a town 20 miles south. As such, mail
may take a day or two longer to reach me. So, if you do mail in bids, please mail your bids early.
The most recent BALE ISRAEL was 2016 -- 8 years ago. I am starting to switch to the MORIAH
series of catalogues for Israel. The most recent Israel is from 2021. Until the changeover is complete,
some lots for ISRAEL STAMPS will still show BALE. For the Forerunners, Mandate and Interim, BALE
will be used.
I still have many magazines, auction catalogues, stamp catalogues and some books left. These
are listed at the end. You will note that there is no start price. I will be open to most any reasonable
offer. Shipping to non-USA addresses may be expensive.
The balance of the Nate Zankel library is also listed. Orders should be made directly to the SIP
ED FUND. They will inform me as to where to ship the books.
When sending your bids by e-mail or on the web site please include your full name, address, and
a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a
phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information.
Last time, a bidder lost on some lots as there was no address on the e-mail. Please do not let this
happen to you. Thanks.
I am almost done with the stamp album for the INTERIM PERIOD. It will include all stamps used
during the period. It should be available soon from the Society of Israel Philatelists Education Fund.
Please see for information.
Some clients make offers for items that I list on E-BAY or HIP-STAMPS. If you see an item that
you want, please send me an e-mail. You will get an automatic 5% reduction off the asking price. Thank

My wife Helene and I have moved. We are in an Active Older Adult community. This happened much sooner than anticipated. Until at least the end of 2023, the MAILING ADDRESS will remain the same. We found a house with a large two car garage with shelving and closets. I have room for much of the stock. Never-the-less, I want to sell the many collections I have. I will be open to most any reasonable offer. These are in the LOW-PRICED section. These lots are in the 400 range.
I also must dispose of many magazines, auction catalogues, stamp catalogues and some books. These are listed at the end. You will note that there is no start price. I can not select a given issue – it is all of the run or none.
This auction features the BOOKLET collection of Jean Paul Danon. These lots comprise the exhibit of Jean Paul Danon for the Israel 75th Anniversary virtual show. These are lots in the 300 range.
It is with great regrets that I must make a change. US Postage fees are getting out of hand. The postage fee for a US address is now over $3. The postage fee for foreign addresses is over $8. This will be the LAST PRINTED catalogue that I will produce.
If I have an e-mail address for you, I will send you an e-mail when the site is up. If I do not have an e-mail address for you, I will send you a letter.
All clients are urged to use the website: NEGEV.STAMPCIRCUIT.COM. This is a sub-site of STAMPCIRCUIT.COM. You do not need to be a member of STAMPCIRCUIT.COM to look at the lots. However, you need to be a member to bid on the site. You can send me an e-mail with your bids. The e-mail is LEADSTAMP@VERIZON.NET.
On the site, there is an option to download the catalogue (as a PDF) or to print off the catalogue. You can do so yourself, at an office supply store or at a library. There very well be a charge for this.
Upon request I will print and mail a copy to you. The fee will be $5 for USA addresses and $10 for non-USA addresses. Mint US postage may be sent. If your winning bids are over $250, I will credit you with the fee.
Of course, you may send in mail bids. Please allow plenty of time as the US mail is getting slower. Please note that I no longer have a FAX machine.
Some clients make offers for items I list on E-BAY. If you see an item in my EBAY store (SELLER-ID: LEADSTAMPSID) that you want, please send me an e-mail. You will get an automatic 5% reduction off the asking price. Thank you.

This is a special CLEAN OUT THE STOREROOM SALE. My wife and I are planning to move to a 55 Plus community by the end of 2024. There will be much less room for my stock. I will continue these auctions, E-BAY and HIP STAMP sales, and selected shows.
There are multiple parts to the sale:
Regular auction. These are lots 001 thru 334.
Low priced lots as well as collections and accumulations. These are lots 401 thru 491. The collections are priced well below retail. Please note that postage may be high. As usual there is no commission on these lots and that they are sold AS IS – NO RETURNS.
NO START -- BEST OFFER. These are lots 1001 thru 1275. No reasonable offer will be declined. By “reasonable” I mean: if you offer 50% of the price listed I may very well decline. If you offer 75% of the price listed for 10 or more items, I may very well accept the offer. Commission will be added.
VITAL NOTE: My wife and I will be away FEBRUARY 16 thru MARCH 01. I will have limited access to e-mail. You may still send in bids.

these. Please check the LATE LOTS (301 THRU 326). There was an unavoidable delay in getting SOME HISTORY
In the mid 1950’s Michael Bale of Ilfracombe England started dealing in Israeli stamps and postal history. The earliest sale catalogue under the Michael H. Bale name on hand is #7 from November 1958. Sale number 54 was dated October 1977.
In June 1978, the sales were rebranded as NEGEV HOLYLAND STAMPS. The first sales were not numbered. Numbering started with sale 05 in September 1980. Sale number 50 was in April 1999.
In late 1999 Michael Bale sold the auctions and stock to Button Stamp Company, run by Sid Morginstin of Bordentown NJ, USA. The Bale line of Israel and Palestine Catalogues were sold to another company.
The first sale under the new ownership was number 51 in April 2000.
There is little doubt that Negev Holyland is the oldest auction house devoted to Holyland Philately and Judaica.
Michael Bale would like to record his Best Wishes to Sid Morginstin for carrying on the good reputation that Negev Holyland had built up over the years - Michael is now in his 90th year and is grateful for the friendliness and support given by his many customers over the years from the mid-1950s to his retirement in late 1999. They were great times!
I am working on a stamp album for the INTERIM PERIOD. It will include all stamps used during the period. I hope to have it done before the end of 2022 or early 2023.
I will have a booth at the NOJEX-ASDA STAMP SHOW.
LOCATION: Meadowlands Hilton Hotel 2 Meadowlands Plaza East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 (Located off Route 3 East and the NJ Turnpike)
DATE: October 14-16, 2022
Please stop by to chat (and buy some material). Bring this catalogue and get 10% off selected material.
Once again: If you have 609-298-2891 as phone number for me, please delete it. Please only use the numbers in this catalogue. When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until

Welcome to the Ninety-ninth NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
Once again: If you have 609-298-2891 as phone number for me, please delete it. Please only use the numbers on the bid sheet. Thanks.
This auction features much INTERIM MATERIAL. As we all know, there are many fakes and forgeries. Much of it is sold AS IS. Nevertheless, I will issue a refund if a competent authority known to me states that the item is not genuine. The 15-day limit (as noted in sales condition 3.4) will apply. The auction also features many FIRST FESTIVALS stamps and covers.
My wife, Helene, and I have a trip to Italy and then Israel planned for May 2022. [This was postponed form 2021 due to COVID.] If you are in Israel and want to meet, please send an e-mail. In Italy we will be on a tour.
I wrote an update to my book THE POSTAL STATIONERY OF ISRAEL 2ND EDITION. The SIP EDUCATIONAL FUND will soon issue the update. Please look for an announcement in the Israel Philatelist. If you want a PDF with the just changes, please send me an e-mail with STATIONERY UPDATE PDF in the subject line. A hard copy will cost $15.
I sold my Israeli Stationery collection and sales stock to Frank Pauer. The only items I have left here are mint and First Day Air Letter Sheets and Inland Letter sheets. If you need any other stationery, please contact Frank directly. Frank can be contact at PO Box 2066 | Bayswater | VIC 3153 | Australia Phone +61 3 9761 6701 | Mobile +61 419 885 800. His e-mail is
Looking ahead, the One Hundredth NEGEV HOLYLAND SALE will be in the late summer or early fall of 2022. This will be a very special sale. Current plans (subject to change) are for all or mostly new material – few if any repeated lots. The minimum start will be $50. If affordable, the entire catalogue may be in color. There may even be a special low commission (vendor and buyer). The catalogue will be mailed to all clients. [Currently, it is mailed only to those who request a hard copy. Others are directed to the web site.] Please consider this as an opportunity to sell your better material. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.
When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.

Welcome to the Ninety-eighth NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
If you have 609-298-2891 as phone number for me, please delete it. Please only use the numbers on the bid sheet. Thanks.
My wife, Helene, and I have a cruise planned for late January 2022. Please endeavour to send your payments well before that.
Looking ahead, the One Hundredth NEGEV HOLYLAND SALE will be sometimes in 2022. This will be a very special sale. Current plans (subject to change) are for all or mostly new material – few if any repeated lots. The minimum start will be $100. The entire catalogue may be in color. There may even be a special low commission (vendor and buyer). The catalogue will be mailed to all clients. [Currently, it is mailed only to those who request a hard copy. Others are directed to the web site.] Please consider this as an opportunity to sell your better material. Please send me a e-mail if you are interested. I will let you know when I firm up plans.
When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.

Welcome to the Ninety-seventh NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
Due to popular demand, I have resumed the LOW-PRICED SECTION. The START PRICE is under $40. Again, these are sold AS IS – NO RETURNS. There is no commission, but shipping and the Credit Card / Pay Pal surcharge will apply.
Please check the BRITISH MANDATE: STATIONERY. There are many SPECIMEN overprints.
When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
If calling me, please use the cell phone (609-456-9508). I get so many robocalls on the house phone that I do not normally answer it. Thanks.

Welcome to the Ninety-sixth NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
This auction features part of Dr. Mel Kline’s outstanding collections of Doar Ivri, First Festival and other Israel material. Another highlight is the Revenues. There are many types of issues.
The LOW-PRICED SECTION is not in this sale. I will resume it again next time.
When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
If calling me, please use the cell phone (609-456-9508). I get so many robocalls on the house phone that I do not normally answer it. Thanks.
This is being written in December. I am getting married in late March to Helene Reiss. We are planning a ten-day tour of Italy and then a ten-day stay in Israel in April. Hopefully, we will be able to make the trip. Please contact me if you like to meet.