1 / 2 Sch. dark violet gray, watermark flowers, having bright colors, on all sides having full margins extremely fine copy, unused without gum, expertized Horst Krause and W. Angel (sign slightly translucently), Michel 650.-
1/2 Sch. dunkelviolettgrau, Wz. Blumen, farbfrisches, allseits vollrandiges Kabinettstück, ungebraucht ohne Gummierung, gepr. Horst Krause u. W. Engel (Signatur leicht durchscheinend), Mi. 650.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #427 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
Lot #428 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 / 2 Sch. dark violet gray with clear five line stamp of the city post office, photo expertize Mehlmann BPP (03 / 2014) "genuine, strong defects (tears, creases), repaired places) . Genuine used a rare stamp".! The LIKES be in reference the quality cree pily listen, but there are schlimmere and these here is a genuine, Michel 2. 500.-
1/2 Sch. dunkelviolettgrau mit klarem Fünfstrichstempel des Stadtpostamt, Fotobefund Mehlmann BPP (...
Lot #429 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 / 2 Shilling till 4 Shilling as reprints from 1872 on paper unwatermarked, in perfect condition mint never hinged, only issued 250 piece pro type, the sale proceeds was going to a wounded soldiers, copy of a certificate Brettl BPP (for divided block of four) : "faultless condition", Michel 3. 500.- - rare in this quality offered!
1/2 Schilling bis 4 Schilling als Neudrucke von 1872 auf Papier ohne Wz., tadellos postfrisch, Auflage...
Lot #430 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 Sch. blackish orange, watermark flowers, having bright colors, on all sides having full margins exemplar with centric mounted bar cancel, twice signed Pfenninger and additional from him signed Attitude "postmark genuine, above middle small repair, othe rwise very fine", Michel 2. 500.-
1 Sch. schwärzlichorange, Wz. Blumen, farbfrisches, allseits vollrandiges Exemplar mit zentrisch aufgesetztem Balkenstempel, doppelt gepr. Pfenninger...
Lot #431 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
2 Sch. reddish brown, printing error "two a HALF" in the left scroll, unused lower margin copy with inspection cancel, field 96, slight horizontal convolution in the lower margin, expertized Richter, Michel 500.-
2 Sch. rötlichbraun, Fehldruck "ZWEI EIN HALB" im linken Schriftband, ungebrauchtes Unterrandstück mit KONTROLLSTEMPEL, Bogenfeld 96, leichte waager. Faltung im Unterrand, gepr. Richter, Mi. 500.- ++
Lot #432 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
2 1/2 Sch. mittelmagenta, having bright colors, on all sides having full margins exemplar with clean Balkenstempelentwertung, left small repair, amongst other things expertized Decker, Schlesinger and Thier, Michel 1. 000.-
2 1/2 Sch. mittelmagenta, farbfrisches, allseits vollrandiges Exemplar mit sauberer Balkenstempelentwertung, links kleine Ausbesserung, u.a. gepr. Decker, Schlesinger u. Thier, Mi. 1.000.-
Lot #433 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 / 2 dunkelrötlichgrau, having bright colors, left above short at Picture edge cut, otherwise having full margins, visually effective exemplar with clean Balkenstempelentwertung, above middle under hinge light spots. In used condition a rare stamp, expe rtized Schlesinger and W. Angel, Michel 2. 000.-
1/2 dunkelrötlichgrau, farbfrisches, links oben kurz an Bildkante geschnittenes, sonst vollrandiges, optisch wirkungsvolles Exemplar...
Lot #434 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 / 2 till 4 Sch. coat of arms from Lübeck on oval ground, complete set with five different values, uniform with horseshoe cancel from "Lübeck" cancelled (Spalink 22-1, different data), 1/2 and 2 1/2 Sch.-Marke always photo expertize Mehlmann BPP, 1 Sch. expertized W. Angel BPP, 2 Sch. expertized Flemming BPP, the 4 Sch.-Marke is not signed (they is strong repaired and of Mister Mehlmann regarding one Signing rejected), the stamps wise...
Lot #435 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 / 2 Sch. dark yellowish green, on all sides complete roulette, horseshoe cancel "Lübeck 4 6 67" (Spalink 22-1), small margin tear lower left, photo expertize Mehlmann BPP, Michel 90.- cancel valuation 200.-
1/2 Sch. dunkelgelblichgrün, allseits vollständiger Durchstich, Hufeisenstempel "LÜBECK 4 6 67" (Spalink 22-1), kleiner Randriß unten links, Fotobefund Mehlmann BPP, Mi. 90.- + Stempelbewertung 200.-
Lot #436 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 S. reddish orange, rouletted 11 3 / 4, unused, in perfect condition, expertized Georg Buehler
1 S. rötlichorange, durchstochen 11 3/4, ungebraucht, tadellos, geprüft Georg Bühler
Lot #437 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
1 S. orange, 11 3 / 4 roulette, used, small defects, accordingly higher signed C. Brettl BPP, Michel 200.-
1 S. orange, 11 3/4 Durchstich, gestempelt, kl. Mängel, entsprechend höher signiert C. Brettl BPP, Mi. 200.-
Lot #438 - altdeutschland staten lübeck
2 1/2 Sch. dark ultramarine, having bright colors, visually impressive exemplar with clean centric mounted three ring stamp "L", repaired, expertized Pfenninger, Michel 500.-
2 1/2 Sch. dunkelultramarin, farbfrisches, optisch ansprechendes Exemplar mit sauber zentrisch aufgesetztem Dreiringstempel "L", repariert, gepr. Pfenninger, Mi. 500.-
Lot #439 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
4 / 4 Sch. gray red, fresh colors, large margins all around with two ring cancel "Wismar" on small superb in every respect piece of letter
4/4 Sch. graurot, farbfrisch, allseits breitrandig mit K2 "WISMAR" auf kleinem Kabinettbriefstück
Lot #440 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
4 / 4 S. in the vertical pair on correctly franked folded letter from Malchin to samples, faultless condition, FB Berger BPP
4/4 S. im senkr. Paar a. portoger. Faltbrief von Malchin nach Waren, tadellose Erhaltung, FB Berger BPP
Lot #441 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
4 / 4 S. in the horizontal strips as correctly franked single franking on folded letter from Plau to Lübz, stamps with additional ink cancellation, in perfect condition
4/4 S. im waager. Streifen als portoger. EF a. Faltbrief von Plau nach Lübz, Marken mit zusätzlicher Tintenentwertung, tadellos
Lot #442 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
1 / 3 Sgr. green, having bright colors block of four, left with 9 mm margin of sheet and the figures of value of rows 8 and 9, full original gum, left upper stamp with small rest of hinge, otherwise mint never hinged unit. Margin copies with figure of va lue of rows condition to Michel special catalogue an additional charge from 500%. Certificate with photograph Brettl / Schmitt "on all sides complete roulette, especially having bright colors...
Lot #443 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
1 Sch. gray violet, having bright colors, mint never hinged item in outstanding quality, on the base expertized W. Angel, Michel 650.-, Michel undervalued!
1 Sch. grauviolett, farbfrisches, postfrisches Luxusstück, tiefst gepr. W. Engel, Mi. 650.-, Mi. unterbewertet!
Lot #444 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
5 Sch. blue, having bright colors, on all sides good having full margins exemplar with two ring cancel from Schwerin, left below hardly noticeable small Vortrenneinschnitt in the design of the stamp, expertized W. Angel BPP, Michel 340.-
5 Sch. blau, farbfrisches, allseits gut vollrandiges Exemplar mit K2 von Schwerin, links unten kaum merklicher kleiner Vortrenneinschnitt in das Markenbild, gepr. W. Engel BPP, Mi. 340.-
Lot #445 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
4 / 4 Sch. gray red, ribbed paper, having bright colors exemplar with on all sides complete roulette and double by means of violet two ring cancel "Rostock" neat cancelled. Signed Pfenninger and Hunziker, certificates with photograph Hunziker (1962) and Berger BPP (01 / 2014) "in the right upper quarter right small margin tear, only in the margin, otherwise perfect. A very fine piece of this rare stamp. "
4/4 Sch. graurot, geripptes...
Lot #446 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
2 / 4 S. the Michel-no. 4 on small wrapper from Hamburg to Sternberg, faultless condition, rare, expertized Buehler
2/4 S. der Mi.-Nr. 4 auf kleinem Streifband von Hamburg nach Sternberg, tadellose Erhaltung, selten, gepr. Bühler
Lot #447 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
4 / 4 S. in the unused block of four, centered in the roulette slightly separated, faultless, attractive unit
4/4 S. im ungebrauchtem 4er-Block, mittig im Durchstich leicht angetrennt, tadellose, attraktive Einheit
Lot #448 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin
2 Sch. gray, clean tied by two ring cancel "SCHWERIN 28 / 12", on all sides good roulette, at the upper margin together with old Glue remainders a tiny rubbed spot, multiple signed and certificate with photograph W. Angel BPP, Michel 2. 000.- - a rare st amp in visually impressive condition
2 Sch. grau, sauber entwertet mit K2 "SCHWERIN 28/12", allseits guter Durchstich, am Oberrand nebst alten Leimresten eine winzige Schürfung,...
Lot #449 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin ganzsachen
1 S.-Ganzsache with 8 / 4 S. additional franking Michel-no. 1 (6 / 4 S. as strips! And 2 / 4 S. ) from Blankenberg to Teterow, reverse railway cancel, cover minimal aging traces, in this kind a scarce franking, FB Berger BPP "genuine, correctly franked"
1 S.-Ganzsache mit 8/4 S. Zusatzfrankatur Mi.-Nr. 1 (6/4 S. als Streifen !! und 2/4 S.) ab Blankenberg nach Teterow, rs. Bahnpost-Stpl., Umschlag min. Alterungsspuren, in dieser Form...
Lot #450 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-schwerin ganzsachen
1 1 / 2- S.-Ganzsache with 2 / 4 S. additional franking Michel-no. 1 from Wismar to Neustadt, reverse railway mail postmark "Hagenow / Rostock", faultless condition, provenance Boker
1 1/2- S.-Ganzsache mit 2/4 S. Zusatzfrankatur Mi.-Nr. 1 ab Wismar nach Neustadt, rs. Bahnpost- Stpl. "Hagenow/Rostock", tadellose Erhaltung, ex Boker
Lot #451 - altdeutschland staten mecklenburg-strelitz
1 / 4 Sgr blackish red orange, unused, in perfect condition, Michel 220,-
1/4 Sgr schwärzlichrotorange, ungebraucht, tadellos, Mi. 220,-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More