The electronics on the stamp, interesting topic collection with in total 463 stamps in the Borek-album, related in the 60s-years! As well French Antarctica Michel no. 32 mint never hinged and many UIT issues, a little China and so on. (former starting pr ice 150)
DIE ELEKTRONIK AUF DER BRIEFMARKE, interessante Motiv-Sammlung mit insgesamt 463 Marken im Borek-Album, bezogen in den 60iger-Jahren! Dabei Französische Antarktis MiNr. 32...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
The 139th auction nearly 11.000 lots, including the special “Horst Kühner Collection” will be on sale September 5/6, 2014.
The “Horst Kühner” collection of numerous rarities from the “German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad” and the “German Occupation WW II” including Sudetenland, field post and propaganda forgeries. One can find among many others items, a 50 Pfg China with double handstamp overprint, Heydrich-Block with protective cover, protective jacket and tissue paper!, OSS propaganda block in red, just to name only a few of the great rarities.
The philatelic section includes:
German states: more than 1,400 lots, with Bavaria two Schwarzer Einser, Prussia - interesting cancellation section, Saxony - cancellation collection. The second part of a Thurn & Taxis exhibition collection, including recently certified rarities! Numerous country and general collections.
German Empire: offerings of among others - interesting “breast plate” lots; all periods with types, colours, rare records and varieties, “se-tenants and stamp booklets”. Zeppelin philately selection of rare items.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: over 1,200 lots, including numerous mnh issues, unusual features, and full sheets, full sheets; DOA 39IIAIIa mnh (500); interesting forerunner issues, covers and cancellation from all areas.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II./Fieldpost: contains an attractive supply of many varieties and unusual features, GG I/IIIL mnh (1,200), Kotor I/VI mnh (2,000), Laibach 45/60 cancelled (750), Alexanderstadt 12X cancelled (1,800), Fieldpost 6DD mnh (850), 6K mnh (850) , 8A cancelled (1.350), Cuban package stamp Type I (*) (2,400) and numerous propaganda forgeries WW II.
German local issues: interesting supply with Spremberg, forerunner covers, Bad Schmiedeberg, Grossräschen, etc.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: varieties, rarities, sought-after initial issues, stamp booklets Bund/Berlin with many rare types
SBZ/DDR: specialized types, colours, varieties including Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 26b mnh (1,500), block issues, Mi.-Nr. 86xb and 86yb each mnh; furthermore, postmaster divisions, proofs, and so on.
Europe: interesting offers form Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and more.
Overseas: lots from the People's Republic of China, “Peony” block; “British Colonies” collection with numerous items, many of the offered items are scarcely to be found.
The Numismatic section includes:
Coins: approximately 600 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times and a section of medallions.
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Lot #12590 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Lot #12591 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
1979, Year of the Child, in three volumes collection on illustrated pages with stamps, souvenir sheets, miniature sheet and postal stationeries, to Lindner printed form without China complete, high subscription price
1979, Jahr des Kindes, dreibändige Vordrucksammlung mit Marken, Blockausgaben, Kleinbogen und Ganzsachen, nach Lindner Vordruck ohne China komplett, hoher Abopreis
Lot #12592 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Olympic games Munich 1972, two-volume collection with approximate 96 registered respectively partly special delivery covers, always with special registered label and different matching special cancellation to the respective disciplines, extraordinary cle an collection, not daily object, high acquisition price!
OLYMPIADE MÜNCHEN 1972, zweibändige Sammlung mit ca. 96 Reco bzw. teils Expressbriefen, je mit Sonder-R-Zettel und versch....
Lot #12593 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Cosmos, all world, approximate 1962-1999, clean inventory from approximate 250 covers and cards, as well moon landing, rockets, Cachet and pictoral hand cancel, printed cachet envelope amongst other things documents from apollo 12 -16, focal point German y / USA till approximate 1980, clean and productive treasure trove!
WELTRAUM, Alle Welt, ca. 1962-1999, sauberer Bestand von ca.250 Briefen u. Karten, dabei Mondlandung, Raketen,...
Lot #12594 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Railroad, Europe, approximate 1965-2005, very clean treasure trove from approximate 100 covers and postal stationeries, in addition to it extensive Vorlagekarten (over 300 piece) with mostly different special cancellation, all suitably on the subject of amongst other things 150 J. Railroad, special-, propaganda within the cancellation, and so on.
EISENBAHN, Europa, ca. 1965-2005, sehr saubere Fundgrube von ca. 100 Briefen und...
Lot #12595 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
World Wide Fund for Nature - animals, all world, approximate 1976-1979, "the officially collection the World rampantly Life Found First-Day-Covers", impressive collection with 144 illustrated First Day Covers in the appropriate album, as well gesuchtere issues amongst other things Gambia Michel no. 332 / 5.374 / 77, SWA, Mauritius, etc., each issue, verso detailed, German Texts to the reason for issue, sinful more expensive subscription price...
Lot #12596 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Ships and mariner, collection on 51 informative formed preprinted pages in the ring binder, as well mint never hinged set and souvenir sheets from many fernen countries, amongst other things Falkland-islands Michel no. 255 / 269 I, furthermore also a few nice documents
SCHIFFE und SEEFAHRER, Sammlung auf 51 informativ gestalteten Vordruckblättern im Ringbinder, dabei postfrische Satz- und Blockausgaben aus vielen fernen Ländern, u.a....
Lot #12597 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Famous personalities, DTL, approximate 1935-1972, two-volume collection with covers, cards, postal stationeries, mint never hinged and used values, clean on itself designed exhibition pages, as well Emil from Behring, Beethoven, Robert Cook, Pieck.
BERÜHMTE PERSÖNLICHKEITEN, DTL, ca. 1935-1972, zweibändige Sammlung mit Briefen, Karten, Ganzsachen, postfr. und gest. Werten, sauber auf selbstgestalteten Ausstellungsblättern, dabei Emil...
Lot #12598 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Pope trip, approximate 1979-1992, mint never hinged collection with numerous set and souvenir sheets, miniature sheet, special pages, in the Gr. Thick stock book, high Einstands respectively subscription price!
PAPSTREISEN, ca. 1979-1992, postfrische Sammlung mit zahlreichen Satz- und Blockausgaben, Kleinbogen, Sonderblätter, im gr. dicken Einsteckbuch, hoher Einstands- bzw. Abopreis!
Lot #12599 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Car / mobile, Europe, approximate 1961-2000, * / o. Inventory from round 400 modern color picture postcards from the 60er years, as well amongst other things much Our Lady of Ransom Benz and VW bug, furthermore numerous other Gr. Manufacturer alike audi, Ford, Opel, etc., approximate 16 Vollansichten, focal point 70er / 80s years, treasure trove
AUTO-/MOBIL, Europa, ca. 1961-2000, */o. Bestand von rund 400 modernen color...
Lot #12600 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Aviation, 1959-2003, inventory of more than 180 documents suitably on the subject of, as well Lufthansa first flight, "Zurück"- note, reminder documents, Switzerland with high CHF values, sets, etc., focal point 80s years, have a look
LUFTFAHRT, 1959-2003, Bestand von über 180 Belegen passend zum Thema, dabei Lufthansa Erstflüge, "Zurück"- Vermerke, Erinnerungsbelege, Schweiz mit hohen Frankenwerten, Satzausgaben, etc., Schwerpunkt...
Lot #12601 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Olympic games, Europe, approximate 1964-1996, clean inventory of more than 150 covers, cards, Maximumk., first day covers, etc., all suitably on the subject of, as well ample olympic games 1972 with very many different special cancellation matching frank ed by olympic stamps and Seoul 1988, etc., treasure trove
OLYMPIADE, Europa, ca. 1964-1996, sauberer Bestand von über 150 Briefen, Karten, Maximumk., FDCs, etc., alles passend zum...
Lot #12602 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Butterfly, Europe, * / o, approximate 1962-1993, inventory with round 100 covers, cards and maximum cards, all suitably on the subject of, as well sets, numerous promotional pictoral hand cancel, topic picture postcards mainly full format, etc., clean tr easure trove
SCHMETTERLING, Europa, */o, ca. 1962-1993, Bestand mit rund 100 Briefe, Karten und Maximumkarten, alles passend zum Thema, dabei Satzausgaben, zahlreiche Werbe-...
Lot #12603 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Animals, all world, approximate 1965-1994, clean inventory from approximate 140 covers and cards, as well promotional and pictoral hand cancel, maximum cards, mainly legitimate documents amongst other things 43 complete sets, treasure trove!
TIERE, Alle Welt, ca. 1965-1994, sauberer Bestand von ca. 140 Briefen u. Karten, dabei Werbe- und Sonderstempel, Maximumkarten, überwiegend Bedarfsbelege u.a. 43 kpl. Satzausgaben, Fundgrube...
Lot #12604 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Pope / travel, approximate 1962-1995, inventory from approximate 124 clean covers, mainly printed cachet envelope to Pope Paul II, ample documents to his Pope trip Germany / oversea, treasure trove
PAPST-/REISEN, ca. 1962-1995, Bestand von ca. 124 sauberen Briefen, überwiegend Schmuckumschläge zu Papst Paul II, reichlich Belege zu seinen Papstreisen Deutschland/Übersee, Fundgrube
Lot #12605 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Traffic, Europe, inventory from approximate 130 covers and cards, all suitably on the subject of amongst other things legitimate documents, illustrated First Day Covers, maximum cards, special- and propaganda within the cancellation, sets amongst other t hings motorcycle, bicycle, bus, focal point 60er / 80s years, treasure trove
VERKEHR, Europa, Bestand von ca. 130 Briefen und Karten, alles passend zum Thema u.a. Bedarfsbelege,...
Lot #12606 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Zeppelin, approximate 1972-2007, inventory from approximate 78 documents suitably on the subject of, as well amongst other things promotional and pictoral hand cancel on special- cards / covers, almost only Germany, treasure trove
ZEPPELIN, ca. 1972-2007, Bestand von ca. 78 Belegen passend zum Thema, dabei u.a. Werbe- und Sonderstempel auf Sonder- karten/Umschläge, fast nur Deutschland, Fundgrube
Lot #12607 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Tennis, all world, approximate 1968-1990, ** / o / cover, collection in the matching Lindner ring binder, as well 8 set and 10 souvenir sheet respectively, miniature sheets issues as well approximate 20 covers and cards (former starting price 40)
TENNIS, Alle Welt, ca. 1968-1990, **/o/BF, Sammlung im pass. Lindner Ringbinder, dabei 8 Satz- und 10 Block- bzw., Kleinbogenausgaben sowie ca. 20 Briefe und Karten (alter Ausruf 40)
Lot #12608 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Sailboat (tall ship), all world, 1967-1991, collection of more than 220 covers, cards, commemorative pages with chiefly various Cachetstempeln, partly original signatures, as well amongst other things "Gorch Fucked", "Alexander from Humboldt", "Thor Heye rdahl", etc., almost all transported, wonderful entrance!
SEGELBOOTE (Großsegler), Alle Welt, 1967-1991, Sammlung von über 220 Briefen, Karten, Gedenkblätter mit größtenteils diversen...
Lot #12609 - liquidationslose – thematik motive
Sea mail / ship motif, * / ** / o collection in 2 albums with topical stamps from all over the world and 1 album with over 150 documents with mostly modern sea mail, but also sea mail "Hamburg - West Africa", "HAMBURG-AMERICA" etc., interesting lot.
SCHIFFSPOST/SCHIFFSMOTIVE, */**/o Sammlung in 2 Alben mit Motivmarken aus aller Welt u. 1 Album mit über 150 Belegen mit meist moderner Schiffspost, aber auch Seepost "Hamburg -...
Lot #12610 - liquidationslose – thematik literatur - deutschland nach 1945
Building series 1948, extensive handbook collection in 4 files / spring back binders, as well a number of 100 page supplements ( unsorted) of the study group buildings, as well a buildings special catalogue for letter valuations from 2006 (lots sheet col lection), for the special collector a fantastic tool to the treatment of its own collection
BAUTENSERIE 1948, Umfangreiche Handbuch Sammlung in 4 Ordnern/Klemmbindern, sowie mehrere...
Lot #12611 - liquidationslose Bayern
2 Mark Luitpold, type I, in perfect condition unused, Michel 170.-
2 Mark Luitpold, Type I, tadellos ungebraucht, Mi. 170.-
Lot #12612 - liquidationslose Deutsches Reich
3 penny pale yellow green, on piece in outstanding quality with box cancel of 2 lines "WALSRODE 5. 1. 87", expertized Zenker BPP
3 Pfennig hellgelbgrün, Luxusbriefstück mit Ra2 "WALSRODE 5.1.87", gepr. Zenker BPP
Lot #12613 - liquidationslose Deutsches Reich
2 Pfg empire post with plate flaw I, clean round cancel, expertized Wiegand BPP
2 Pfg Reichspost mit Plattenfehler I, sauber rundgestempelt, gepr. Wiegand BPP
Lot #12614 - liquidationslose Deutsches Reich
2 Pfg Germania in the block of four with plate upper margin, neat cancelled, Michel 100.-
2 Pfg Germania im Viererblock mit Plattenoberrand, tadellos gestempelt, Mi. 100.-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More