1.000 drx. (16-4-1956) with portrait of "Alexander the Great" in brown. Serial nos. "Γ.02 236576" CUT MARGIN. Otherwise Uncirculated (Pick 194a) Almost Uncirculated
Auction #492 Coins, Medals & Banknotes
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Auction #492 Coins, Medals & Banknotes
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Lot #9327 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
100 drx. (1-7-1966) with "Demokritos" in red-brown on multicolor unterprint. Serial nos. "01A 000581", signature: Zolotas. Washed & cut margin.? otherwise Uncirculated (Pick 196a) Almost Uncirculated
Lot #9328 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
1.000 drx. (1-11-1970) with "Zeus" in brown on multicolor underprint. Watermark:Head of Aphrodite of knidus. Serial nos. "01Ξ 256944" Washed, pressed & cut margin.? (Pick 198a) Extra Fine
Lot #9329 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
2 x 1000 drx. (1.11.1970)(1972) in brown on multicolor unpt with "Zeus". Watermark: Head of Ephebus of Anticythera in 3/4 profile Continuous ser. nos. "23 Θ 132334 / 132335" (Pick 198b) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated
Lot #9330 - Greece - paper money - banknotes banknotes issued after wwii
1.000 drx.(1 July 1987) with "Apollo" in Brown on multicolor underprint. Ser. nos "24 A 692067". (Pick 202a) Uncirculated
Lot #9331 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
4 X 50 Lepta. (1920) Vertical strip of four pieces. in blue with "Standing Athena" at center, continuous serial Nos. "Ξ/1 298456 to Ξ/1 298459" & Square perforations. Slightly rusted & pressed with problematic corner.(one pcs.) (Pick 303a) Extra Fine to Uncirculated
Lot #9332 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 1drx.27-10-1917.(1918) with "Hermes seated at ctr." in Darker brown w/o unpt.Inner line in diamond surrounding Hermes,diamond brown.Two pcs. with continuous Ser.nos "Α/36 42096/42097" (Pick 304b) Uncirculated
Lot #9333 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1 drx. (1918) with "Pericles" at right. in brown. Back is green with medal at ctr. Serial nos. "Υ 200585" The lower piece of vertical strip of 5 pieces. Rounded corners, margin tears & stain. (Pick 305) FINE
Lot #9334 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1drx. 27-10-1917.(1918) with "Homer" at ctr. in Black on lt. green and pink unpt. Serial nos. "Γ/32 059984" Washed, pressed, rounded corners. & traces of seloteip, on upper margin. (Pick 308) Almost Fine
Lot #9335 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 1drx. 27-10-1917.(1918) with "Hermes seated at right" in Purple on lilac and m/c unpt.Two pcs. with continuous ser.nos."Α 31 056933/934" ,one stained (Pick 309) Uncirculated
Lot #9336 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 10Lepta(1922),(1922 ND POSTAGE STAMP CURRENCY ISSUE) with "Hermes" in brown,same design in reverse on back. Vertical pair of two. with square perforations. (Pick 313a) & (Stratoudakis/Pitidis 268a) Uncirculated
Lot #9337 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
10 x 10 drx. (6/4/1940) in blue on green and light brown unpt with "Demeter" at left. Continuous serial nos. "B 14 019235 / B 14 019244" (Pick 314) Almost Uncirculated & Uncirculated
Lot #9338 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
5 x 20 drx. (6-4-1940) in green on light lilac and orange unpt with "Ancient coin with Poseidon". Continuous serial nos. "B24 202818 / B24 202822". (Pick 315). Uncirculated.
Lot #9339 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
5 x 50 lepta (18/6/1941)/(ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ) in red and black on light brown unpt with "Nike of Samothraκe" at left. Church on back. Continuous ser. nos. "MB 193355 / MB 193359" (Pick 316) & (Grabowski GR 33) Uncirculated.
Lot #9340 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
1 drx. (18-6-1941/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ) with "Aristotle" at left, in red and blue on gray underprint (Pick 317) & (Grabowski GR 34) Uncirculated
Lot #9341 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 drx. (18-6-1941/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ) with "Ancient coin of Alexander" at left, in purple and black on lt. brown underprint. (Pick 318) & (Grabowski GR 35) Uncirculated.
Lot #9342 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
2 x 5 drx. (18 June 1941/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ/Greek State) with "3 women of Knossos" in black & red on pale yellow. Continuous Serial Nos. AE-477468/AE-477469 (Pick 319) & (Grabowski GR 36) Uncirculated
Lot #9343 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Proof of face in blue (without underprint) of 1drx. (9.11.1944) Uniface, vertical pair. (Pick 320s) Almost Uncirculated to Uncirculated
Lot #9344 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Final proof of the back of 1drx. (9.11.1944) Uniface, (Pick 320s) Almost Uncirculated
Lot #9345 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
5dr. (15.1.1945) in brown and yellow orange. (Pick 321). Uncirculated.
Lot #9346 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Proof of the face (brown) of 5drx. (15.1.1945) A group of nine pieces. with large upper margin. Without underprint, slight thinning. (Pick 321s) Uncirculated
Lot #9347 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Proof of the back of 10 drx. (9.11.1944) without underprint (Pick 322s) Uncirculated
Lot #9348 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
Proof of the face of 20drx. (9.11.1944) Without underprint. (Pick 323s) Uncirculated
Lot #9349 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
100 drx. (10-7-1950) "Constantine",Blue on orange unpt.(Pick 324a) Extra Fine
Lot #9350 - Greece - paper money - banknotes coin notes - ministry of finance
100 drx. (1-11-1953) in Blue on orange unpt. with "Constantine" at ctr. Serial nos. "αα.01 122689", vertical folding at middle and left. (Pick 324b) Uncirculated
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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