EPIRO Ambracia AE (238-168 a.C.) – Testa di Apollo a d. – R/ Zeus stante a d. – Sear 1967 AE (g 7,00 – Ø 20 mm)
Grading: MB/MB+
Coin On-Line Auction #10
By: Nomisma Spa
Nomisma Spa Coin On-Line Auction #10
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Lot #51 - greek coins
Lot #52 - greek coins
EPIRO Repubblica (238-168 a.C.) AE – Testa velata a d. – R/ Tripode – Sear 2001 AE (g 2,10 – Ø 18 mm)
Grading: MB/BB
Lot #53 - greek coins
ILLIRIA Apollonia AE (II-I sec. a.C.) – Testa di Artemide a s. – R/ Leggenda in corona – Sear 1887 var. AE (g 6,20 – Ø 22 mm)
Grading: BB
Lot #54 - greek coins
ILLIRIA Apollonia Dracma (II a.C.) – Mucca con vitello – R/ Motivi geometrici – Sear 1878 AG (g 3,00 – Ø 18 mm)
Grading: qBB
Lot #55 - greek coins
EUBEA Histiaia Tetrobolo (340-330 a.C.) – Testa di ninfa a d. – R/ Ninfa seduta a d. – Sear 2496 AG (g 2,30 – Ø 14 mm)
Grading: qBB
Lot #56 - greek coins
PELOPONNESO Zakyntos - Diobolo (420-350 a.C.) Testa di Afrodite a s. - R/ Pegaso a s. – cfr. Sear 2915a AG (g 2,15) Fondi corrosi ritoccati
Grading: MB
Lot #57 - greek coins
PAFLAGONIA Amastris - AE (II-I sec. a.C.) Testa di Zeus a d. - R/ Aquila su fulmine – Sear 3673 AE (g 6,35 – Ø 23 mm)
Grading: MB
Lot #58 - greek coins
PAFLAGONIA Amastris - AE (Epoca imperiale) Testa di Omero a d. - R/ Testa turrita a d. – Sear, Greek imperial 4885 AE (g 5,00 – Ø 19 mm) Incrostazioni al D/
Grading: MB+
Lot #59 - greek coins
PAFLAGONIA Sinope - Triobolo (306-290 a.C.) Testa di Sinope a s. - R/ Prua di nave a s. – cfr. Sear 3700 AG (g 2,50)
Grading: BB
Lot #60 - greek coins
PAFLAGONIA Sinope - AE (II-I sec. a.C.) Testa di Marte a d. - R/ Spada con fodero – Sear 3710 AE (g 7,90 – Ø 20 mm)
Grading: MB
Lot #61 - greek coins
CICLADI Naxos - AE (circa 300 a.C.) Testa di Dioniso a s. - R/ Coppa? – Weber 4685 AE (g 2,12)
Grading: qBB
Lot #62 - greek coins
CICLADI Tenos - AE (IV sec. a.C.) Testa di Zeus Ammone a d. - R/ Tridente – cfr. Sear 3160 AE (g 2,15)
Grading: MB
Lot #63 - greek coins
CICLADI Tenos - AE (IV sec. a.C.) Testa di ninfa a d. - R/ Grappolo d’uva – Sear 3161 AE (g 11,35)
Grading: BB
Lot #64 - greek coins
TROADE Alexandreia - AE (III-II sec. a.C.) Testa di Apollo a d. - R/ Cavallo a s. – Sear 4028 AE (g 3,41) Foro passante
Grading: MB
Lot #65 - greek coins
TROADE Abydos - AE (IV sec. a.C.) Testa di Apollo a d. - R/ Aquila a d. – Sear 4011 AE (g 1,25)
Grading: BB
Lot #66 - greek coins
TROADE Abydos - AE (III-II sec. a.C.) Testa di Artemide di fronte - R/ Aquila a d. – Sear 4028 AE (g 8,70)
Grading: qBB
Lot #67 - greek coins
TROADE Dardanos - AE (375-350 a.C.) R/ Gallo a d. – cfr. Sear 4080 AE (g 0,92)
Grading: qBB
Lot #68 - greek coins
TROADE Kebren - AE (480-450 a.C.) Testa di soldato persiano a s. - R/ Monogramma – Sear 4068 AE (g 0,65)
Grading: BB
Lot #69 - greek coins
TROADE Kebren - AE (480-450 a.C.) Testa di Apollo a d. - R/ Testa di montone a d. – Sear 4071 AE (g 0,75)
Grading: MB
Lot #70 - greek coins
TROADE Skepsis - AE (400 a.C. circa) Protome di Pegaso a s. - R/ Palma – Sear 4068 AE (g 1,10)
Grading: BB
Lot #71 - greek coins
IONIA Chios AE (II-I a.C.) – Sfinge a s. – R/ Vaso – Sear 4610 AE (g 0,80 – Ø 11 mm)
Grading: BB
Lot #72 - greek coins
IONIA Ephesos AE (350-288 a.C.) – Ape – R/ Cervo a s. – Sear 4401 AE (g 5,40 – Ø 18 mm)
Grading: qBB
Lot #73 - greek coins
IONIA Ephesos AE (280-258 a.C.) – Testa turrita a s. – R/ Ape – Sear 4409 AE (g 1,28 – Ø 10 mm)
Grading: qBB
Lot #74 - greek coins
IONIA Ephesos Dracma (202-133 a.C.) – Ape – R/ Cervo stante a d. – Sear 1643 AG (g 3,75 – Ø 16 mm)
Grading: MB
Lot #75 - greek coins
IONIA Ephesos AE (202-133 a.C.) – Ape – R/ Cervo stante a d. – Sear 4411 AE (g 3,92 – Ø 18 mm)
Grading: qBB
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