1906/08. Petar 10 p i 5 p dofrankirana sa 5 p, dve dop. karte obe upucene za Nemacku, sa dolaznim žigovima. 1906/08 Petar 10 p and 5 p additionally franked with 5 p, two postal cards, both sent to Germany, arr cds.
Public auction #42 on
By: SFK Auctions
SFK Auctions Public auction #42 on
SFK public auction of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, Yugoslavia and more.
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Lot #227 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1911. BEOGRAD / EKSPEDICIJA cirilicni tekst, redak žig na zatvorenoj dop. karti upucenoj za Aleksinac, luksuzan kvalitet.
1911 BEOGRAD/EKSPEDICIJA Cyrillic text, rare cancel on letter card sent to Aleksinac, lux.
Lot #228 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1911. Petar 5 p dop. karta iz Niša za Topcider greškom pošte upucena za Rusiju i posle mesec dana vracena za Topcider, izuzetan pošt. istorijski kuriozitet.
1911 Petar 5 p postal card from Nis to Topcider sent to Russia by Post's mistake and returned to Topcider after a month. Exquisite postal history item.
Lot #229 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1913. Petar 2 x 20 p izd. 1911 + 2 x 1 d na paketskoj karti za pouzece za medunarodni saobracaj, izd. iz 1905 upucenoj iz Mladenovca za Bar sa tranzitom Zemuna i carinskom manipulacijom Kotora, retka kombinacija u dobrom kvalitetu.
1913 Petar 2x20 p issue 1911 + 2x1 d on COD parcel card in international traffic, issue from 1905, sent from Mladenovac to Bar with Zemun transit and Kotor customs manipulation, rare combination, fine.
Lot #230 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1888/99. BEOGRAD - STANICA 1 i BEOGRAD - STANICA 3 dva železnicka žiga na dop. kartama za Sombor odn. Kraljevo, dobar kvalitet.
1888/99 BEOGRAD-STANICA 1 and BEOGRAD-STANICA 3 (station) two railway cancels on postal cards to Sombor i.e. Kraljevo, fine.
Lot #231 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1912. Zajecar - PARACIN 10 žig putujuce pošte na razglednici sa motivom voza u prelasku mosta na Timoku upucenoj za Niš.
1912 ZAJECAR-PARACIN 10 traveling post office cancel on picture postcard with motif of train crossing a bridge over the Timok river, sent to Nis.
Lot #232 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1920. VALJEVO - MLADENOVAC IV žig putujuce pošte na pismu za Kragujevac, dobar kvalitet žigova.
1920 VALJEVO-MLADENOVAC IV travelling post office cancel on letter to Kragujevac, cancels fine.
Lot #233 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1899. Aleksandar Obrenovic, und/b, ed: Greka, II
Lot #234 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1899. Wob, rukom crtana, grb i zastava Srbije, II/III
1923 Royal Couple 2 d three essays in olive-brown, violet and dark-blue for issue which was not approved, on soft paper with original gum, 35x40 mm, very rare.
Lot #235 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1900. Aleksandar Obrenovic, francuska antidinasticka propaganda, sign. und / b, detalji u zlatotisku, I-
Lot #236 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1900. EXPO Pariz, paviljon Srbije, ed: S.A. # 62, und/b, sa prigodnim žigom PARIS EXPOSITION, I-
Lot #237 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1900. Vitez, casopis, sopstveno reklamno crno / belo izdanje, und / b, upucena za Kragujevac, I-
Lot #238 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1900. Serbia embosed radeno u spec. ispupcenoj tehnici, retki nacionalni motivi, I/III
Lot #239 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1901, Valjevo, knjižara V. Matica, sopstveno reklamno izdanje, und/b, upucena 1922 iz Valjeva za Savonu, Italija, I-
Lot #240 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1902. Srpski privredni, reklamna, ed: R & C, und/b, upucena za Gul des Sarts, I-
Lot #241 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1904. Zastava Srbije, ed: GHZ - Nemacka, I / II
Lot #242 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1905. Beograd i dinastija Karadordevic, ed: Rajkovic & Cukovic, I-
Lot #243 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1908. Beograd, opsada turske tvrdave 1688 pod vojvodom Max Emanuelom Bavarskim, ed: A.G. Minhen, und/b, upucena iz Minhena za Regensburg, I-
Lot #244 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1910. Niš, oficiri konjicke brigade, ed: Krajnalija, upucena iz Kraljeva za Cacak, I-
Lot #245 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1916. Serbia - prop., ed: France, I-
Lot #246 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1918. Srbija, Kralj Petar i prest. Aleksandar, Pašic... zastave, ed: Corbell - Paris, I-
Lot #247 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1926. Cetnicki vojvoda sa drugovima Kosta Pecanac u poseti Zagrebu, prema RP, I-
Lot #248 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1900. Šabac, dve retke razglednice, obe ed: Ðurdevic, secesija, upucene za USA odn. Madarsku, I/II.
Lot #249 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1901. Studenica, und / b, ed: Jefta Pavlovic, upucena za Windigstein, II
Lot #250 - serbia - stamps and postal history
1902. Užice ed: Lakic & Jeremic, II-
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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