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$5 Fraser-Higgins uncut blks of 4. 2 blks with same serials 000611 & 2 with 000945. R-U04d cat $480. (4 blks of 4)Estimate A$300
$20 Johnston-Stone OCRB. UNC. R-408 cat $240.Estimate A$120
$50 Fraser-Evans (19)95 R-516a UNC McD cat $375.Estimate A$130
$100 Fraser-Cole. UNC. R-613 cat $325.Estimate A$180
$20 Knight-Wheeler side thread. UNC. R-406b cat $480.Estimate A$200
$50 Johnston-Fraser Gothic. R-509a. UNC cat $350.Estimate A$180
$100 Macfarlane-Evans 1st Prefix AA99. UNC. R-618bF cat $300.Estimate A$160
$50 Knight-Stone. UNC. R-507 cat $350.Estimate A$150
1992 $5 Fraser-Cole uncut horizontal pr with red opt 25th Anniversary 1967-1992. 4 folders with serials 000467, 000967, 001467, 001967. R-U07f cat $200. (4 folders)Estimate A$130
$50 Stevens-Henry 1st & Last Prefixes AA09 & SF09. UNC. R-521cF, 521cL. (2)Estimate A$180