Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Coin Auctions

Lot 31133 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31133 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Pincés Puder István (1907-) 1932. 'Nagybányai Vitéz Horthy Miklós Polgári Lövészegyesület' Br sportérem nemzetiszín mellszalagon, 'HAWEL BP.' gyártói jelzéssel (29,5mm) T:2 kis ph.

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31144 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31144 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

1954-1964. 'Munka Érdemrend' arany fokozata, aranyozott, zománcozott Br kitüntetés mellszalaggal, szalagsávon miniatűrrel (2x) mindkettő adományozói tokban T:1-,2
NMK 598., 599.

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31160 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31160 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

1970. 'Felszabadulási Jubileumi Emlékérem' aranyozott, zománcozott Br kitüntetés mellszalagon, miniatűrrel szalagsávon, eredeti tokban T:1

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31176 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31176 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

DN 'Ajka' zománcozott fém jelvény (18x23mm) T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31128 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31128 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

~1930. 'Trianon' festett Br kitűző (31x21mm) T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31155 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31155 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

1968. 'Budapesti Bútoripari Vállalat Törzsgárda arany fokozata' zománcozott fém kitűző igazolvánnyal + 1977. 'A Könnyűipar Kiváló Dolgozója' zománcozott fém jelvény, miniatűrrel és igazolvánnyal együtt T:1-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31171 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31171 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

DN '999 999 - Elektrosvit' zománcozott fém kitűző (16x19mm) + DN 'Pajtás' fém kitűző, 'REMPO - KOVOZNAK L. HRÁDOK' gyártói jelzéssel (20mm) T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31139 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31139 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

~1940. 'Hungaria' Br cserkész sapkajelvény (35x44mm) T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31150 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31150 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

1962. 'Budapesti Atlétikai Bajnokság - III. helyezés' Br díjérem mellszalagon (39,5mm) T:2-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges
Lot 31166 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

Lot 31166 - numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

DN Puttót ábrázoló fém medál 'M. ZELL' és 'DEPOSÉE' jelzéssel (21mm) T:2,2-
ND Metal medal depicting putto with 'M. ZELL' and 'DEPOSÉE' mark (21mm) C:XF,VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #288

numismatics Faleristics: medals, orders, badges