7 plastic tokens for the "MOBIL" gas station. One has the "Mobil" logo on obverse and the others have the "Mobil logo with value "10 ΛΕΠΤΑ" on it. Extremely Fine.
20 private tokens in brass and 1 gilded shell-shaped medal for the "SHELL" company. Different subjects on obverse and "SHELL" logo on the reverse. Diameter: 26mm. Very Fine.
Private holed token in white metal or aluminium with inscription "ΑΕΡΙΟΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ ΑΡΤΟΠΟΙΕΙΟΝ - Ο ΗΛΙΟΣ" on obverse. Inscription "ΕΝ ΒΟΛΩ" on reverse. Medal alignment. Weight: 0,6gr. Diameter: 18mm. Fine.
Brass token (1956) used in ΘΕΡΑΠΕΥΤΗΡΙΟΝ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ (=Evangelism therapy). "ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΦΡΕΙΔΕΡΙΚΗ" (=Queen Freideriki) inscription on reverse. Diameter: 20mm. Weight: 2,3gr. Very Fine plus.