mixed banknote and coin lots - Coin Auctions

Lot 31165 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31165 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

~400g-os vegyes magyar fémpénz, zseton, emlékérem, díjérem és jelvény tétel T:vegyes

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31160 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31160 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Egy doboznyi vegyes numizmatika, papír és fémpénz, emlékérmek, kitűzők, közte 1948. 10Ft Ag 'Széchenyi' + 1948. 20Ft Ag 'Táncsics', 1996. 'Magyar Vasút 150 éve Európában - Pest-Buda' Br emlékérem, Törökország 1970. 500.000L (2x) sorszámkövetők, hajtatlanok T:vegyes
One box of numismatic pieces, coin and paper mone, commemorative medallion, pins and Hungary 1948. 10 Forints Ag 'Széchenyi' + 1948. 20 Forints Ag 'Táncsics', 1996. '150th Anniversary of the Hungarian Railways in Europe' Br commemorative medallion, Turkey 1970. 500.000 Lires (2x) sequential serials, unfolded C:mixed

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31155 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31155 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Vegyes: 14db-os fémpénz tétel, benne Franciaország, Románia, Csehszlovákia, Belgium, Németország / Weimari Köztársaság és Szerbia T:2-3-
Mixed: 14pcs of coins, including France, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Germany / Weimar Republic and Serbia C:XF-VG

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31171 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31171 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31149 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31149 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Vegyes: 1800S 3kr Cu 'I. Ferenc' + 1800B 3kr Cu 'I. Ferenc' + 1800C 3kr Cu 'I. Ferenc' + 1800(?) 3kr Cu 'I. Ferenc' + 1800. 3kr Cu 'I. Ferenc' T:3,3-
Mixed 1800S 3 Kreuzer Cu 'Franz II' + 1800B 3 Kreuzer Cu 'Franz II' + 1800C 3 Kreuzer Cu 'Franz II' + 1800(?) 3 Kreuzer Cu 'Franz II' + 1800. 3 Kreuzer Cu 'Franz II' C:F,VF

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31166 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31166 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel ~2Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31161 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31161 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel ~1,4kg súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31156 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 31156 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

28db vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz + Németország / Weimari Köztársaság 1924D 10pf Al-Br + Románia 1924. 2L Cu-Ni (2xklf) T:2,2-,3 ph. 28pcs of mixed coins + Germany / Weimar Republic 1924D 10 Pfennig Al-Br + Romania 1924. 2 Lei Cu-Ni (2xdiff) C:XF,VF,F edge error

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31142 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

Lot 31142 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

Vegyes magyar és külföldi fémpénz tétel 1Kg-os súlyban T:vegyes

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots
Lot 31137 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

Lot 31137 - numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

28db-os vegyes magyar és külföldi bankjegy tétel, közte 1902. 1000K piros 'DEUTSCHÖSTERREICH' felülbélyegzéssel, Fülöp-szigetek / Japán megszállás 1942. 10P T:III-,IV
28pcs of various banknotes, including Hungary 1902. 1000 Korona with red 'DEUTSCHÖSTERREICH' overprint, Philippines / Japanese occupation 1942. 10 Pesos C:VG,G

Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #286

numismatics mixed banknote and coin lots