Membri possono salvare Ricerche
£1 Cerutty-Collins. R-21. EF. McD cat $7500. (P)
10/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank. R-17. UNC.
10/- Coombs-Wilson KGVI. R-15. Choice LCF UNC. McD cat UNC $1200
£1 Sheehan-McFarlane, consec run of 3. Trifold nearly UNC. R-29. McD cat UNC $6000. (3).
£1 Coombs-Watt R-31. aU. McD cat $350.
10/- Armitage-McFarlane. R-13. aU. McD cat $475
£1 Riddle-Sheehan legal tender consec pr N/70 289558/9. R-28. aU. McD cat $5000. (2). (P)
£1 Armitage-McFarlane consec run of 3. R-30b UNC. McD cat $2550. (3). (P)
10/- Sheehan-McFarlane. R-12. aU. McD cat EF $1500.
£1 Miller-Collins R-23b Small H, no imprint. gEF. McD cat EF $5000. (P)