spanish overseas issues and andorra - Coin Auctions

Lot 1730 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1730 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

5 Pesos. 10 Julio 1869. LA REPÚBLICA DE CUBA. Fecha manuscrita. Firmas de C. M. Céspedes. Borde de hoja superior e izquierdo. Ed-CU29; WPM-56b.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1736 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1736 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

5 Pesos. 1 Enero 1908. EL BANCO ESPAÑOL FILIPINO. MANILA. (Manchitas del tiempo en esquina inferior derecha). ESCASO. Ed-F23; WPM-1. MBC+.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1731 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1731 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

5 Pesos. 17 Agosto 1869. JUNTA CENTRAL REPUBLICANA DE CUBA Y PUERTO RICO. (Pequeña rotura en margen superior). Ed-CU33; WPM-62. MBC+.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1737 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1737 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

10 Pesos. 1 Enero 1908. EL BANCO ESPAÑOL FILIPINO. MANILA. (Manchitas de óxido). ESCASO. Ed-F24; WPM-2. MBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1732 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1732 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

10 Pesos. 10 Julio 1869. Fecha manuscrita. Firma de C.M. Céspedes. Amplio margen superior. ESCASO. Ed-CU30; WPM-57b. MBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1733 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1733 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

50 Pesos. 10 Julio 1869. LA REPÚBLICA DE CUBA. Fecha manuscrita. Firma de C.M. Céspedes. Borde de hoja inferior y derecho. RARO. Ed-CU31; WPM-58. MBC+.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1734 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1734 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

1.000 Pesos. 6 Septiembre 1869. LA REPÚBLICA DE CUBA. Fecha manuscrita. Firmas de E. Izaguirre y C.M. de Céspedes. (Manchitas del tiempo). RARO. Ed-CU37; WPM-60. EBC-.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra
Lot 1735 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra -  Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Lot 1735 - spanish banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra - Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

1 Peso. 15 Mayo 1876. EL BANCO ESPAÑOL DE LA HABANA. (Pequeñas roturas en margen superior). Ed-CU-50; WPM-27c. MBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Public Auction

Spanish Banknotes spanish overseas issues and andorra