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£5 Coombs-Wilson KGVI first prefix S/27. R-48F. Natural gVF. Scarce. Estimate A$400
$10 Coombs-Wilson first prefix Star ZSA R-301sF aEF. McD cat EF $2600. Estimate A$800
£1 Coombs-Wilson KGVI star W/4 15414*. R-32s. F. McD cat $3000. Estimate A$1200
$5 Macfarlane-Evans 2001 Centenary of Federation last prefix JD 01 consec run of 10. R-219L cat $450. (10). Estimate A$275
$100 Fraser-Evans AO 96 Test Note. R-616T. LCF-UNC. McD cat aU $595. Estimate A$200
10/- Coombs-Wilson QEII Commonwealth Bank first prefix AC/00. R-16F. VF. Estimate A$700
$1 Coombs-Randall Star ZAG 26863*. R-72s. VF. McD cat $2500. Scarce. Estimate A$1200
$10 Phillips-Randall Star first prefix ZSF R-303sF. aEF. McD cat EF $1750. Estimate A$800
$100 Fraser-Evans BW 96 Test Note. R-616T. aUNC. McD cat $595. Estimate A$200
£10 Sheehan-McFarlane last prefix V/5. R-58L. Cple of sm edge nicks, gF. Estimate A$350