
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.

lot # 31082 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions

Thursday May 07, 2015 17:00 Europe/Budapest

Olasz Államok / Pápai Állam 1671. 'Luigi Beltran, Francesco Borgia, Gaetano da Thiene, Filippo Benizi, Rosa da Lima / Loretói Madonna angyalok között' ezüst vallási medál. Szignálatlan, Carlo Contarini (1655-1656) és Marcantonio Giustinian (1684-1688) műve. (17.4g/49mm) T:3 R!
Italan States / Papal States 1671. Silver religious medallion. 'S(ANCTVS) CAIET(ANVS) S(ANCTVS) FR(ANCISCVS) BOR(GIA) S(ANCTVS) PHIL(IPPVS) S(ANCTVS) LVDO(VICVS) S(ANCTA) ROSA'. Without signature, made by Carlo Contarini (1655-1656)- Marcantonio Giustinian (1684-1688). (17.4g/49mm) C:F R!


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Darabanth Auctions

Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More

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