
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.

lot # 31097 - numismatics military

Thursday Dec 15, 2016 17:00 Europe/Budapest

1935-1945. 'A Magyar Érdemkereszt II. osztálya - A Magyar Érdemrend középkeresztje' zománcozott kitüntetés zöld nyakszalaggal, eredeti dísztokban, a kontraszem cserélt T:2
Hungary 1935-1945. 'Hungarian Order of Merit, Commander's Cross' enamelled decoration with green neck ribbon in original case, ring replaced C:XF
NMK 374.

Opened at: HUF190000


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Darabanth Auctions

Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More

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