
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 1021 - indien Asia and Mid-East

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Travancore Rayons Limited; Rayonpuram, Kerala State, 22.06.1967, 25 Shares á 10 Rupees, #18631, 20,6 x 23,3 cm, bunt, Knickfalte quer, drei Steuermarken, zahlreiche bunte Garnspulen in der Randbordüre. Die Gesellschaft war der erste Hersteller von Kunstfasern in Indien. Rayonpuram, Kerala State, 22 June 1967, 25 Shares á 10 Rupees, #18631, 20.6 x 23.3 cm, multicolour, horizontal fold, three revenue stamps, many multicolour yarn reels in the border. The company was the first synthetic fibre producer in India.

