
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 2170 - usa North-, South and Middle-America

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad Company; 07.05.1880, 5% Third Mortgage Bond über US-$ 1.000 = £ 200, #9146, 29,2 x 40,7 cm, schwarz, beige, braun, Knickfalten, KB, Faksimile-Unterschrift von John Henry Devereux als President. John Henry Devereux (1832-1886) war während des Bürgerkriegs U. S. Military Railroad Superintendent und einer der wichtigsten Führungskräfte im Eisenbahnwesen des Mittleren Westens. 7 May 1880, 5% Third Mortgage Bond for US-$ 1,000 = £ 200, #9146, 29.2 x 40.7 cm, black, beige, brown, folds, coupons, facsimile signature of John Henry Devereux as President. During the Civil War, John Henry Devereux (1832-1886) was U. S. Military Railroad Superintendent and one of the most important leaders in the railroad industry of the Middle West.

