Doge CXII Alvise III Mocenigo (1722-1732). Osella 1726 anno V, PQ (Piero Querini, massaro 24 luglio 1722), argento gr. 28,06, ¿ 41,4 mm. D/ S*M* VENET*ALOYSIVS*MOCENICO*DVX*, San Marco a sinistra porge il vessillo al Doge genuflesso; esergo, *ANNO*V*/ *P¥Q*. Rv: IN CVSTOD*ILLIS*RETRIB*MVLTA*, vascello veneto a tre alberi, armato di tutto punto, a vele spiegate, attorno al quale veleggiano due navi minori; esergo, *1726*. . Paolucci 209, Gamberini 1372, CNI 80, Werding 207. Molto raram.SPL
Numismatica Varesi
The firm of Varesi was founded in 1967, with regular sales since 1984 to become one of most important numismatic auctions houses in Italy. Our Catalogues are carefully written and photographed and... Read More