
Status International

lot # 4104 - militaria medals

Friday Oct 18, 2019 12:00 Australia/Sydney
Last date for bids: 
Aug 29, 08:00 BST

Australia: 1914-18 Wounded In Action, Harbonnieres, trio to 56th Bn. 1914-15 Star impressed officially: '3539 PTE. N. HALTON, 4/BN. AIF.', 1914-18 British War & Victory medals: '3539 CPL. N.HALTON, 4 BN. AIF.' Norman Halton, born Sydney, 1894, enl 16/8/1915, 11th Reo's to 4th, Inf. Bn. Egypt 30/11/15 inc Ferry post-transferred to 56 Bn, 16/2/16, to France June 1916, OP's Fromelles, Warlencourt, Flers & Guedecourt, Lance Corporal 27/12/16, Corporal 17/4/17, then OP's Bapaume, Beaumete, Morchies, Bullecourt, Ypres & Polygon Wood, wounded in action, shrapnel both legs, 19/8/1918 near Harbonnieres, RtA & disch medically unfit 28/4/1919, died 1945. Together with his returned from action service badge, personal papers & receipts, message from the King for war wounded, his 1941 National Emergency Services, warden (sector I, Kiama) identity card, newspaper obituary, 4 x letters from England/France 1917-18 etc. gVF. With research notes. (P)

Estimate: A$750 - 1000


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About The Seller

Status International

Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More

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