By: Stephen Album Rare Coins
lot # 2143 - World Coins asia and middle-east
PATALUNG: tin 400 bia (½ fuang) (9.12g), 19th century, Pridmore-222, Ju Jin Gong Si written in barbarous Chinese / Patalung in Thai script and unclear Chinese inscription but likely Wang Lang, countermarked in Chinese He Long within rectangle, Fine.
The word "bia" means conch shell, and it was valued at 800 bia per Thai fuang, which in turn was valued eight per baht. At the time 5 baht was exchanged for 3 Mexican dollars.
Stephen Album Rare Coins
Stephen Album Rare Coins is an American company specializing in Oriental coins which includes Ancient, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and modern world coins. The company produces monthly catalogs and... Read More