
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 1831 - india tranquebar

Thursday Sep 18, 2014 08:00 to Saturday Sep 20, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Sep 18, 07:00 BST

TRANQUEBAR: Frederik V, 1746-1766, AV 2 royaliner trial strike, [Copenhagen], 1756, KM-TS14, Gray-—, Jensen-249, crowned F5 monogram, capital letters / arms, date & denonimation, fully lustrous, magnificent strike, NGC graded MS66*, RRRR, ex Dr. John Lund Collection, ex Brian Hannon. This is a extremely rare pattern or specimen coin struck at the Copenhagen (København) mint for Tranquebar (Trankebar). According to NGC, "the Star Designation is NGC's unique identifier of coins with exceptional eye appeal or characteristics that distinguish them from other coins of the same technical grade. "
