
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 2154 - World africa

Thursday Sep 18, 2014 08:00 to Saturday Sep 20, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Sep 18, 07:00 BST

ALGERIA-TUNISIA: AE medal, 1930, Esc-158, Maier-257, 63mm, Golden Jubilee of the Crédit Foncier Algérie et Tunisie, woman with armful of flowers, in the field: a scene of plowing left, and Bedouin with camel right, CREDIT. FONCIER - D'ALGERIE. ET. DE. TUNISIE around with CINQUANTENAIRE/ DE SA/ FONDATION below, signed by P(Pierre) DAUTEL / Arabic inscription with dates 1880-1930, view of the city of Algiers and its port with steamship arriving, VF. A similar piece sold in iNumis Auction May 2011 lot 272 for $1,500. Photo size reduced.
