
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 709 - india ancient

Thursday May 14, 2015 09:00 to Friday May 15, 2015 19:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
May 14, 08:00 PDT

INDO-GREEK: Eukratides I, ca. 170-145 BC, AR tetradrachm (16.91g), Bop-8, heroic bust of Eukratides, viewed from behind, wearing crested Boiotian helmet / the Dioscuri on horseback holding palms and spears, both horses rearing, monogram on right, a few flan cracks due to deep strike, lovely VF to EF, RR. With monogram on reverse unlisted by Bopearachchi for this type, but well-known as monogram W on Bop-6 tetradrachms and several other silver coins of this reign.

Estimate: $3000 - 4000
