GJ.188, with variety: Offset impression of the ovpt. on back
Auction # 2439 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2439 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
Spectacular sale of material of all periods, including rarities that are seldom seen in the market, varieties, errors, proofs and essays, postal history, lots and much more, with starts for every type of budget!
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Lot #1178 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.223, on Italian paper, vertical honeycomb wmk, perf 13¼ x 12½, complete sheet of 100 examples, with number and sheet margins, VARIETIES: the stamps in the 6th row have longer honeycombs than normal, minor defects, interesting!
Lot #1180 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.239/43, multiple suns wmk (perf 13¼ x 12½ + 13½), cmpl. set of 5 values
Lot #1181 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.259, printed on ribbed paper, stained
Lot #1182 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.286, on German paper, vertical honeycomb wmk, perf 13¼ x 12½, over half a sheet (70 stamps) with 3 sheet margins, VF quality!
Lot #1183 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.294, half a sheet (50 examples) with 3 sheet margins, the stamp at R3/4 with VARIETY: lined area broken above the "1" of "1916", and several other varieties indicated in the margins, excellent!
Lot #1184 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.298, corner block of 14 unwatermarked stamps, with complete "SERRA BOND" in the right sheet margin, excellent!
Lot #1187 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.328 + 331, the low and high values of the set, in MNH blocks of 4
Lot #1188 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.352, 5c Plowman, on German paper with vertical honeycomb wmk, marginal block of 4, the lower right stamp with "J with long foot" variety, interesting!
Lot #1189 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.373, very lightly cancelled in one corner, excellent quality, rare!
Lot #1190 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.377, 1c San Martín, unwatermarked, perf 13¼, block of 4, one hinged, the lower left stamp with variety: overprint with double periods, VF!
Lot #1192 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.399, with watermark printed on front
Lot #1194 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.410, 2c San Martín w/o period, perf 13¼ x 12½, block of 4, the top stamps are overinked, resembling typographed examples, interesting!
Lot #1195 - Argentina official stamps
Unchecked lot of approximately 200 official stamps, mint and used, fine general quality, some varieties can be spotted at a glance, for example GJ.412g, good opportunity at low start!!
Lot #1196 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.419a, 5c Centenary of the Post, pair, with DOUBLE overprint variety, VF!
Lot #1197 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.428, complete sheet of 100 examples, stained, low start
Lot #1199 - Argentina official stamps
GJ.455, on German paper with vertical honeycomb wmk, perf 13¼