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lot # 5555 - frankreich

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

France & Colonies Lot 1849/40c.: Primarily First Issues Collection with outstanding range of covers/cards (60) and France classic early stamps/covers of the Colonies, with 1849 Cérès 10 c. bistre brown single franking covers (4), 1849 Cérès 15 c. green single franking covers (2. one signed Calves), 20 c. black sheet marginal pair used, 20 c. black single frankings (4), 25 c. blue single frankings (3), 40 c. orange pair on cover to London and single usage on cover to Brussels; 1849 1 fr. carmine single frankig covers (2), Bordeaux issue covers (2); thereafter with Colonies incl. General Issues of 1865 with coveres ex Guadeloupe and Reunion with Eagle frankings (4), Algeria, 1892 Anjouan set of 13 unused and a cover; Cameroun with 1916 issue covers, Congo Français with provisional overprints, Cote D'Ivoire 1892 set of 13 unused (2) and a card with 5 x 2 c., useful Dahomey, Guadeloupe 1884 20 c. on 30 c. and 25 c. on 35 c. on covers, 1889 four colour franking, Guiné 1892 set of 13 unused and covers, 1890 Madagascar Military cover, 1889 '05' on 10 c. used (Yvert 2), 1889 and 1892 covers with provisional overprint issues, Mayotte 1892 5 fr. unused and an attractive cover, Moheli 1892 5 fr. unused and an attractive reg'd cover; Mauritania covers, New Hebrides combination covers (2), Niger issues, Obock 1892 issue to 1 fr. (ex 10 c.) unused and blocks of the 1, 2 and 5 c. unused together with a registered cover (b) surcharge; useful provisional Senegal and a local cover etc. Enormous catalogue, careful viewing will repay.


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Corinphila Auctions Ltd.

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