Prezzi Realizzati

Status International

lot # 2741 - World New Zealand

Thursday Dec 05, 2024 09:30 Australia/Sydney

New Zealand: Collection 1900-87 in 2 Lighthouse hingeless slipcase albums with only scattered early inc 1900 Pictorials ½d-4d, 1906 Christchurch set NZ retail $725, 1909 KEVII set ($470), 1915 KGV set ($425), 1920 Victory set ($150), 1925 Dunedin ($95), 1926 Admiral pr ($420), from 1929 all Health, inc Smiling Boys ($450), to 1952 ($260). QEII comp ($460) inc Health M/Sheets, then decimals to 1987 inc Health M/S, long Def sets $2-$10 etc thematics, plus Officials inc 1907 Pics set to 5/- ($2000), KEVII ($300), 1915-25 QV Postal Fiscals (2, $550), 1935 Pictorials ($450), 1938 KGVI ($45), 1940 Centennial Official set ($175), QEII set, 1931-58 Arms Postal Fiscals to £5 & opts to 35/- (27, $7100). Postage Dues set to 2/- (20, $1720), Lighthouses etc. Then decimals comp to 1986 inc long Def sets, M/S etc. All diff. Generally F-VF M/MNH but unfortunately some tropicalisation with spots on perfs etc. NZ retail $15,000+, plus cost of albums extra $800. (780) (P)
Estimate A$1800


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