1850 9kr HP. 'hernyó' tévnyomat / plate variety 'LUGOS'
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Auction House also holds a set of major auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
Auction closing 09:00 (CET) 30th April, 2015
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.com is available until 19:00 CET
The Hungarian lots and the philatelic collections (lot numbers 1-1980 and numbers 8000-8163) are auctioned in Hotel BĂŠke, Budapest (starting at 9:30 CET)
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- Philately and postal history Hungary - 1858 / 1861 mixed franking (2) Apply Philately and postal history Hungary - 1858 / 1861 mixed franking filter
- Philately and postal history Hungary - 1861 / 1863 mixed franking (1) Apply Philately and postal history Hungary - 1861 / 1863 mixed franking filter
- Philately and postal history Hungary - 1863 / 1864 mixed franking (2) Apply Philately and postal history Hungary - 1863 / 1864 mixed franking filter
- Philately and postal history Hungary - 1864 / 1867 mixed franking (1) Apply Philately and postal history Hungary - 1864 / 1867 mixed franking filter
- philately and postal history hungary - temporary issues of hungarian post (2) Apply philately and postal history hungary - temporary issues of hungarian post filter
- philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue (188) Apply philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue filter
- philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue (56) Apply philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue filter
- philately and postal history hungary - the 1861 issue (26) Apply philately and postal history hungary - the 1861 issue filter
- philately and postal history hungary - the 1863 issue (21) Apply philately and postal history hungary - the 1863 issue filter
- philately and postal history hungary - the 1864 issue (56) Apply philately and postal history hungary - the 1864 issue filter
Lot #263 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
Lot #264 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP. type III.; 'MAKÓ'
Lot #265 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type III.; 'MATTERDORF'
Lot #266 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP. type III.; 'MOHÁCS'
Lot #267 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP. type III.b; széles ívszéllel / margin 8 mm; 'NAGY-KANISA'; Certificate, signed: Dr. Uwe Steiner
Lot #268 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP. type III.; széles ívszél / margin 6 mm, '(NAGY)-KANISA'
Lot #269 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type I. !; Lemezhiba a jobb alsó részen / plate flaw; 'PESTH'
Lot #270 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type I. !; Frey p 183Z; Lemezhiba: hiány a jobb oldali korona szalagnál / plate flaw; 'PESTH'; Certificate, signed: Ferchenbauer
Lot #271 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type III.; 'SZÁSZ-RÉGEN'
Lot #272 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type I. !; ívszéli / margin; felül kicsit bevágva / cut above 'SZINYE'
Lot #273 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type I. !; Lemezhiba hiány a '9'-ben, kerettörés a jobb oldalon / plate flaw and broken frame on the right side; P140 !; 'SZOMOLNOK'
Lot #274 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type I. !; P293 !; 'TEMESVÁR'
Lot #275 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type II.b; kiemelt középrész, gépszínátnyomat / machine offset; 'TEMESVÁR'; Certificate, signed: Dr. Uwe Steiner
Lot #276 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type III.; 'TOTIS'
Lot #277 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP. type III.; széles ívszél / margin 6,5 mm; 'VUKOVÁR'
Lot #278 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #279 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #280 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #281 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #282 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #283 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható, szép bélyegzésekkel / 15 stamps with nice cancellations
Lot #284 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1851 Kék Merkúr II. típus címszalag darabon / Mi 6 on newspaper wrapper piece 'DEBRECZIN'
Lot #285 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
~1854 3 db okmánybélyeg / 3 fiscal stamp 'K. K. POSTDIREKTION IN PESTH'
Lot #286 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
185. 2kr HP type I.a. fekete hármascsík távolsági levélen, szép szélekkel, Erstdruck. Az alsó két bélyeg között enyhe hajtásnyom. Lemezhiba a középső bélyeg bal felső sarkánál. Látványos ritka darab. / 2kr HP type I. black stripe of 3 on domestic cover, light fold between 2 stamps, plate flaw, rare piece. 'FÖLDVÁR' - 'OFEN WASSERSTADT' Signed Ferchenbauer, Certificate: Steiner.
Lot #287 - Austria / Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 3 x 1kr MP III. (pár + darab) levélen / (pair + 1 piece) on cover 'WAITZEN' - 'PESTH / Früh'
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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