$10 QEII ND (1981-85) sig Hardie type 2 opt Specimen in red 3 times on front & once on back. Perforated Specimen left & right. First prefix NAA 000000. UNC. P-172as
Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342
By: Status International
Status International Coins & Banknotes Public Auction 342
Status International - Sale 342 - June 1st, 2018.
Auction 342 has 3748 lots catering for all types of collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. There are many desirable single items as well as collections and mixed lots. Items range from $30 to $50,000 so there's something for everybody.
This catalogue contains a great selection of Australian coins including Australian Shipwrecks, Proclamation coins, Gold Sovereigns and Half-Sovereigns, pre-decimal coins and Proofs, Error Coins, RAM , Perth Mint and NPA products. There are many highlights in the Australian Coins including Two Australian 1930 Pennies. One is graded in aF/VF and the other is fine and are Reserved at $18,000 and 10,000 respectively (Lots 5591 and 5592). This auction also includes a VERY RARE 1920 Dot above top scroll - Chocolate, practically UNC/UNC, tiny contact mk near King's ear. Without doubt one of the finest known. McD cat aU $10,500 UNC UNPRICED. Reserve $8,000 (Lot 5565).
In the Australian Banknotes section includes Pre-Federation, Pre-decimal, Specimens, Decimal, Starnotes and Varieties . This sale includes a rare £50 Cerutty-Collins (1918) medium type prefix Y. Note has been expertly cleaned to remove ugly bank stamp & has had a central hole repaired. VF appearance & most collectable. McD cat VF $55,000. Without a doubt the cheapest example of this quality on the market. R-67c Reserve $22,000 (Lot 6400). Also in the Australian issues - WWII Hay Internment Camp 1/- banknote uncut pr of printer's proof/colour trials printed with obv & rev tete beche in 2 diff colours greens, without black printing, no denomination, date & number etc. Unsigned. Has been folded between the 2 notes, practically UNC. Exceedingly rare if not unique. Renniks type 2P. Reserve $18,000 (Lot 6263)
World coins and banknotes, including Gold, silver and copper coins, medals and World Banknotes In the World Coins is a China 1979 400 Yuan Proof set of 4, 30th Anniversary of People's Republic 1949-1979. Tiananmen, Peoples Heroes Monument, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall & Great Hall of the People. KM-PS1 in its hand crafted original box with certificate & outer sleeve Reserve $5,000 (Lot 6531). Also in the world banknote section is a New Zealand 1967 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Wellington presentation book of the first issue of New Zealand decimal notes $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $100 sig Fleming first prefix opt SPECIMEN & punch hole cancel through signature, serials all 000000. Two of each note to show front & back. Book is signed by Governor G Wilson plus overleaf by RM Smith, AH McClintock & SR Maclennan who were part of the design committee. P-163s to 168s (12 notes). Very rare.( Lot 7338).
Also included in this Auction sale are many Australian and Overseas Medals and Militaria lots from various vendors. (Lots 4001-4116)
Also a nice range of Ancient coins, Medals and Militaria and Jewellery including Opals.
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Lot #7357 - world banknotes New Zealand
$20 QEII ND (1981-85) sig Hardie Type 2 opt Specimen in black 3 times on front & once on back. Perforated Specimen left & right. UNC. P-173as.
Lot #7358 - world banknotes New Zealand
$20 QEII sig Brash (1992-94) Type II replacement notes ZZ. R-179ar UNC. NZ cat $600. (5).
Lot #7359 - world banknotes New Zealand
$100 sig Brash (1992-99) P-181a UNC.
Lot #7360 - world banknotes New Zealand
$50 (19)99 polymer sig Brash P-188a UNC, slightest waviness at top.
Lot #7361 - world banknotes New Zealand
$50 (20)07 polymer sig Bollard. P-188b UNC.
Lot #7362 - world banknotes New Zealand
$100 (20)06 polymer sig Bollard. P-189b UNC.
Lot #7363 - world banknotes New Zealand
$5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Polymer sig Wheeler 2015-16 $10 1st Prefix AA. P-191 to195 UNC. (5).
Lot #7364 - world banknotes New Zealand
1937 The Timaru Banks' Staff Pay Greeting to their Majesties rev Long May They Reign with maps of the UK & NZ. Hand drawn & crudely printed in red 'banknote', Wonderful banknote curiosity & Coronation Souvenir.
Lot #7365 - world banknotes nicaragua
10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 Cordobas 26-10-2014. P-209a, 210a, 211a, 212a, 213a, 214a. UNC. (6)
Lot #7366 - world banknotes northern ireland
First Trust Bank £10 1-1-1998 sig Licence. £20 1-6-2009 sig McDade UNC, aU. Northern Bank Ltd. Danske Bank £10 25-1-2013 £20 16-8-2012. UNC, EF. P-136a, 137b new date, 212a, 213a. (4).
Lot #7367 - world banknotes northern ireland
Bank of Ireland: £20 ND (1985) sig Harrison gVF. Belfast Banking Co Ltd: £5 2-10-1942 VF 2 pin holes. Northern Bank Ltd: £10 1-9-1937 aVF 3 pin holes. Provincial Bank of Ireland Ltd: £5 5-1-1972 EF 2 pin holes. P-67Ab, 127b, 181a, 246a cat approx US$750. (4).
Lot #7368 - world banknotes northern ireland
Bank of Ireland £100 1-3-2005 P-82. UNC. (P)
Lot #7369 - world banknotes northern ireland
Bank of Ireland: £5, £10, £20 20-4-2008, 28-5-1992, 28-5-1993 UNC. P-83a, 71b, 72b cat US$215. (3).
Lot #7370 - world banknotes northern ireland
Bank of Ireland £50 1-1-2013. P-89 UNC.
Lot #7371 - world banknotes northern ireland
Northern Bank: £50 8-10-1999 UNC. P-200a cat US$225.
Lot #7372 - world banknotes northern ireland
Provincial Bank of Ireland Limited £10 1-1-1981 Belfast opt SPECIMEN in red front & back with punch hole cancel, De La Rue oval opt top left & bottom right both sides. Serial RN 000000. P-249s Slabbed PMG 66 EPQ GEM Uncirculated
Lot #7373 - world banknotes northern ireland
Ulster Bank Ltd: £5 25-11-2006 George Best, 1-1-2013 UNC, £10 1-1-2006 sig McCarthy aU. £20 1-1-2015 sig Brown UNC. P-339, 340b, 336 new date, 342 new date. (4).
Lot #7374 - world banknotes papua new guinea
$20 (1977) Specimen SAA 000000 UNC. P-4s2 cat US$180.
Lot #7375 - world banknotes papua new guinea
2, 5, 10, 20 Kina (1981-2010) 2 Kina P-5a, 12a, 16b, 35(2). 5 Kina P-14a, 19, 20, 29b. 10 Kina P-9c, 30, 40. 20 Kina P-10, 36, 31a UNC. Pick cat US$217. (14).
Lot #7376 - world banknotes papua new guinea
20 Kina ND (2009) BPNG 35th Anniversary 1973-2008 Original bundle of 100 UNC. P-36a cat US$1750. (100). (P)
Lot #7377 - world banknotes Paraguay
2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000 Guaranies 2011-2016. P-228c, 234new date, 224 new date, 238 new, 239 new, 240 new (238 to 240 new windowed security thread) UNC. (6).
Lot #7378 - world banknotes Philippines
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Pesos ND (1949 English series) opt SPECIMEN in red front & back (2 peso tone spot). P-133s10, 134ds, 135s6, 136s8, 137s5, 138s3. UNC. (6). (P)
Lot #7379 - world banknotes Philippines
5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Piso ND (1970s 2nd issue) opt SPECIMEN in red front & back. 5 to 50 Piso serials A000000. P-153s1, 154s1, 155s1, 156s1, 157s2. UNC. (5).
Lot #7380 - world banknotes Philippines
2000 Piso 1998 Centennial of the First Republic sig 15. P-189a in a presentation folder with certificate.
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More