
lot # 199 - Israel Israel 1948 Interim Period Small Towns

Thursday Jul 28, 2016 18:00 Asia/Jerusalem

1948 INTERIM "Emergency Mail" of Tiberias, 2 philatelic covers: a) reg. no 0084 cover 4.5.48, franked 12 diff Mandate stps with overprinting "Emergency Post Tiberias" and 2 Kofer Hayishuv small design (5&10 mils) faded recipient address & traces of adhesive tape both sides, still interesting cover with combination of 14 different stps, b) Tiberias Emergency overprint on 3 mils


About The Seller

Ben-Ami Endres Auctions

Ben-Ami Endres Auctions was founded in 1994 by David and Michal Ben-Ami, and was the first to auction items from pre-state Israel (Israeliana) as a subject by itself

Since then we have... Read More

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